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New book from Windhorse: ‘Solitude and Loneliness’

From Triratna News on Thu, 14 Jun, 2012 - 05:32

New book from Windhorse: ‘Solitude and Loneliness’

From Triratna News on Thu, 14 Jun, 2012 - 05:32Windhorse Publications, Triratna’s publishing house, will be releasing their latest title, ‘Solitude and Loneliness: A Buddhist View’ , by Sarvananda on 14 June. Hannah writes from Windhorse with the details, saying -

“Charlie Chaplin observed, ‘Loneliness is the theme of everyone.’ Although true, it is equally true that we all very skilfully, and often unconsciously, organize our lives in such a way as to avoid loneliness.

Drawing on a wide range of sources –...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Songs of the Elder Sisters

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Jun, 2012 - 01:00
This is one of a series of talks on the Therigatha, the songs or poems of the nuns at the time of the Buddha.

Gunasiddhi begins begins by saying that the songs are trying to communicate a level of spiritual experience to the hearer.

The talk contains three themes: Going Forth, Friendship and Impermanence. Going forth happened in a variety of ways for different reasons for these nuns. For us, we don't go forth in the same way, but there is a huge variety of ways in which we can go forth, in body, speech and mind.

Friendship is one of the reasons why some women went forth at the time of the Buddha. Gunasiddhi makes the point that real friendship takes a long time to mature, and that generally single sex friendships go deeper.

Impermanence: we hear a poem from a nun who is living in retreat and struggling with experiencing clinging so she reflects on impermanence, whic leads to awakening. So it's not our lifestyle choices by themselves that have an effect. Gunasiddhi also reads some of Ambapali's verses on the impermanence of the body.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Cyclic Nidanas

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Jun, 2012 - 00:00
Self consciousness is a miracle and a profound evolutionary advantage but it is also a trap. The Buddha described the processes under which self consciousness develops and the way to go beyond it. In this talk we explore the conditioning processes that bind us to the wheel of life.
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Dharma Parlour

From Buddhafield on Wed, 13 Jun, 2012 - 18:25

Dharma Parlour (group)

From Buddhafield on Wed, 13 Jun, 2012 - 18:25

The Dharma Parlour is a core area of Triratna’s annual Buddhafield Festival, the place to go on site for Dharma talks, debates, and introductions to Buddhism of all sorts. We’ll aim to reflect the Festival theme in the talks and workshops offered. The speakers are drawn from all across the Buddhist world, though like the Festival as a whole, it’s organised by members of the Triratna Buddhist Order. Check here for an introduction to what’s...

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Centre Team

Buddhafield FBA Feed

From Buddhafield on Wed, 13 Jun, 2012 - 18:18
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Free Buddhist Audio

For the Sake of Enlightenment An Introduction to the Therigatha

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 13 Jun, 2012 - 01:00
In this talk Suriyavamsa introduces the Therigatha and Theragatha, the songs of the nuns and monks who were the Buddha's disciples. Some of these disciples are familair to us: Ambapali, Maha Prajapati and Kisa Gotami. Much of the flavour of this collection is about impermanence and the urgent need to practice the Dharma.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Therigatha and the Problem of Self

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 13 Jun, 2012 - 01:00
This talk was part of a series of talks on the Therigatha. It starts by appreciating what a hard life it must have been for the early bhikkunis. Two verses by elderly nuns, Dhamma and Citta, give rise to reflection on letting go of fixed self view as a major component of breaking through to Enlightenment.

We then hear a verse about no-self from the nun Uttara. This leads on to reflections about how we subtly reinforce a sense of self through feeling embarrassed or irritable.

Then in a further verse we hear the Buddha teaching about breaking the first five fetters. We hear about Stream Entry and the point of Knowledge and Vision of Things as They Are on the spiral path. The talk concludes a verse about letting go of self by Dogen.
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Ordinations in Akashavana and Guhyaloka

From Triratna News on Tue, 12 Jun, 2012 - 11:58

Ordinations in Akashavana and Guhyaloka

From Triratna News on Tue, 12 Jun, 2012 - 11:58We’re delighted to announce the ordinations of 9 women and 13 men in Spain, at Triratna’s Akashavana and Guhyaloka retreat centres respectively. Here’s the details:

The following women were ordained at Akashavana retreat centre 11th June 2012:

Public Preceptor Parami:
Ingrid Wiklund-Landin becomes Pavarabodhi (Pali) which means Noble Awakening.
Private Preceptor Taraka

Jo Robinson becomes Shraddhasiddhi which means She whose Accomplishment is Faith.
Private Preceptor Subhadramati

Public Preceptor Padmasuri:
Angela Cameron becomes Candrashri which means Light...
