Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Message in a Binary Bottle

From The Coding Kula! on Thu, 17 Jan, 2013 - 19:34

Message in a Binary Bottle

From The Coding Kula! on Thu, 17 Jan, 2013 - 19:34Message in a Binary Bottle is an awesome wee piece by Cabel Sasser on finding hidden coder messages in old video games. It’s my *subtly coded* way of a) saying Happy New Year to all members of the Coding Kula after my much needed two month break, b) getting to post this amazing picture (which is an image for how doing this project feels at times!), and c) renewing our request for help with specialist areas on the...
Candradasa's picture

Second online meditation! Thursday 17th January.

From Online Meditators on Thu, 17 Jan, 2013 - 14:31

Second online meditation! Thursday 17th January.

From Online Meditators on Thu, 17 Jan, 2013 - 14:31***UPDATED*** Happening today!

NB. We’ll post the live link to join the hangout on our Google + page around 11.15/4.15/9.45!

Hi all, we’ll be doing a second online sit this week, same time as last: Thursday 17th January, 11.30am EST, 4.30pm UK, 10pm Maharashtra time. We’d love you to join us!

Since Skype had trouble handling our numbers last time, we thought we’d try out Google Hangout, which you can access...
Candradasa's picture

All the Presidents' Men and Women...

From Community Highlights on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 22:25

All the Presidents' Men and Women...

From Community Highlights on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 22:25
A behind-the-scenes glimpse of what goes into to helping keep a broad-based, international spiritual community healthy… by Dhammarati
visuddhimati's picture

A Sangha Evening at the NLBC

From North London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 17:07

A Sangha Evening at the NLBC

From North London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 17:07Subhuti visited the NLBC in November 2012 bringing with him three guests, Amoghasiddhi, Yashosagar and Amrutdeep: Preceptors visiting from India. The four Dharmacaris talk about their inspirations in the Dharma Life. The Indian Preceptors offer some delightful critical feedback on the Western Sangha.
lokabandhu's picture

New Jobs and Volunteering opportunities across Triratna

From Triratna News on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 13:30

New Jobs and Volunteering opportunities across Triratna

From Triratna News on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 13:30There’s a stream of new opportunities coming up on Triratna’s ‘Jobs and Volunteering’ page on thebuddhistcentre.com. There’s a rare opportunity to join the team and community at the thriving Taraloka women’s retreat centre; the busy UK Cambridge Buddhist Centre is looking for a property manager; while Triratna’s London-based Karuna Trust have announced the first six months of Karuna’s 2013 fundraising schedule with opportunities for both men or women to learn fundraising...
lokabandhu's picture

Calling all women! Interested in living and working at Taraloka?

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 12:27

Calling all women! Interested in living and working at Taraloka?

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 12:27An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the thriving Taraloka community! It’s based at Taraloka, Triratna’s womens’ retreat centre in Shropshire, UK. We are looking for a Mitra who has asked for ordination or Order Member to work as part of the Taraloka Operations Team; you will participate in the team’s shared practical work as well as managing your own work area, either bookings and administration or catering. You would need to be able to work full...
jobiwan108's picture

Interested in living and working at Taraloka?

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 10:57

Interested in living and working at Taraloka?

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 16 Jan, 2013 - 10:57An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the thriving Taraloka community! We are looking for a female GFR Mitra or Order Member to work as part of the Taraloka Operations Team; you will participate in the team’s shared practical work as well as managing your own work area, either bookings and administration or catering. You would need to be able to work full time, be physically fit and have a strong desire to engage wholeheartedly with both community living...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Personal Reflections On Going Forth

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 15 Jan, 2013 - 00:00
Talks given at the LBC Women's Night Class Jan 11th 2013
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Cambio Radical

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Tue, 15 Jan, 2013 - 00:00
Cambio radical: aprender a ser libre: a través de esta charla Sona va a explorar cómo podemos realizar cambios radicales en nuestra vida a través de la mente y al cambiar nuestra forma de ver el mundo. Al simplificar nuestra vida, la podemos enriquecer dándole más sentido y descubriendo la magia oculta en ella.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava En Las Fronteras Del Ser Y El Estar

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Tue, 15 Jan, 2013 - 00:00
Desde el corazón del Buda Amitabha, los rayos de luz irradiaban hasta entrar en el capullo de una flor de loto en el lago Danakosha.

Tras su maduración, apareció un niño maravilloso, adornado con las marcas mayores y menores y sentado en un loto de mil pétalos.

Glorioso Guru Padmasambhava, por favor protégeme y guíame hasta que alcance el Despertar completo.

En esta charla vamos a explorar el simbolismo del nacimiento milagroso de Padmasambhava y su posible significado para nuestras vidas. Miraremos temas relacionadas con la receptividad espiritual, la identidad, saddha y la irrupción de lo inesperado en nuestras vidas.
