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Free Buddhist Audio

The Journey and the Guide Wk7

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
The seventh in a series of eight talks given at the LBC's Dharma Night. An eight-week seminar exploring a practical path to Enlightenment using the five stages of spiritual life: integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, rebirth and spiritual receptivity. We'll be dedicating ourselves to day-to-day practice inspired by the Buddha's example.

This recording is a little different to the others in the series as it includes the linked activities from the first part of the evening.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Udana - Talk 2 - Bahiya of the Bark Cloth

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
This talk is the second of four talks by Padmavajra on a men's Going for Refuge retreat, December 2012.

Padmavajra explores some of the suttas from The Udana collection of the Pali Canon, referring throughout to Sangharakshita's seminar material.

This talk is tells the story of Bahiya and continues with a detailed exploration of the different parts of his story.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Udana - Talk 1 - The Bliss of Liberation

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
This talk is the first of four talks by Padmavajra on a men's Going for Refuge retreat, December 2012.

Padmavajra explores some of the suttas from The Udana collection of the Pali Canon, referring throughout to Sangharakshita's seminar material.

This talk is organised using the following structure : Introduction to The Udana; The Bodhi suttas; The Bliss of Liberation; the three bases of the Buddha's freedom; the metaphor of the shaman.
lokabandhu's picture

Sangharakshita's new home - Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Mon, 4 Mar, 2013 - 12:34

Sangharakshita's new home - Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Mon, 4 Mar, 2013 - 12:34Last week Triratna News hosted a series of five short videos introducing the new home for Sangharakshita and the wider community and project around him, leading up to the announcement of the new name on the last day of Triratna’s International Order Convention, then in full swing at Bodh Gaya, place of the Buddha’s Enlightenment.

We’re delighted to bring you news that it is… ADHISTHANA.

Not only that, Sangharakshita has taken up residence...
Munisha's picture

Getting to Know Each Other - Afternoon Groups on the Convention

From Community Highlights on Sun, 3 Mar, 2013 - 17:53

Getting to Know Each Other - Afternoon Groups on the Convention

From Community Highlights on Sun, 3 Mar, 2013 - 17:534pm on Convention afternoons - time for the ‘getting to know you’ sessions! Munisha goes to see how everyone’s getting on…
vimokshadaka's picture

Introductions To Meditation

From Triratna Anywhere on Sat, 2 Mar, 2013 - 23:16

Welcome to Triratna Anywhere!

It’s easy to get started with Buddhist Meditation: all you need is a chair (or meditation cushion) and a download link. We suggest starting with one of the guided meditations below: choose which you’d like, sit down somewhere quiet, press “play” and introduce yourself to meditation. Using guided meditations is a good way to get started for anyone who can’t make it to a Triratna Centre.

If that goes well, next time you can...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Réflexions personnelles sur l'amitié spirituelle

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sat, 2 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
A l'occasion de la fête de la Sangha, Mahasiddhi partage des histoires très personnelles sur ses amitiés. Profond, touchant avec une bonne dose d'humour et l'accent méridional, il met en valeur les qualités de l'amitié spirituelle et exemplifie aussi comment elle peut être développée en toute simplicité.

Conférence donnée au centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris en novembre 2012

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Free Buddhist Audio

Réflexions personnelles sur l'amitié spirituelle

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sat, 2 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
A l'occasion de la fête de la Sangha, Mahasiddhi partage des histoires très personnelles sur ses amitiés. Profond, touchant avec une bonne dose d'humour et l'accent méridional, il met en valeur les qualités de l'amitié spirituelle et exemplifie aussi comment elle peut être développée en toute simplicité.

Conférence donnée au centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris en novembre 2012
dhammarati's picture

Saddhaloka's Bodhi Walk Gallery

From Community Highlights on Fri, 1 Mar, 2013 - 17:38

Saddhaloka's Bodhi Walk Gallery

From Community Highlights on Fri, 1 Mar, 2013 - 17:38
Saddhaloka took us on a walk (listen here) around the seven sites at the Mahabodhi temple traditionally associated with the Buddha’s Enlightenment as it unfolded…
