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Free Buddhist Audio

The Great Hidden Treasures of Padmasambhava

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 6 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
A talk given by Vadanya at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre 22nd July 2008 in a section on the Vajrayana as part of a series on Great Buddhist Texts.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Transforming the World

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 6 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
Khemasuri explores the message of Transforming the World in The Sutra of Golden Light at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre 2008. Talk given on 17th June 2008 as part of a series on Great Buddhist Texts.
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The Bardo of Life

From Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 13:29

The Bardo of Life

From Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 13:29Our February podcasts - both the full length one and our little Dharmabytes - provided opportunities to reflect on life and death while marking the Buddha’s Parinirvana with rituals and celebrations in our centres around the world. Last week we reflected on the Bardo Thodol through the eyes and the hearts of several poets with talks from Suriyvamsa, Padmavajra and Candradasa.

In our full length FBA Podcast, “Life - For A Limited Time Only” Suriyavamsa begins...
Candradasa's picture

Days 5 & 6 Gallery - Part 2: Back at the Three Jewels Centre (more sad talks news)

From Community Highlights on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 13:09

Days 5 & 6 Gallery - Part 2: Back at the Three Jewels Centre (more sad talks news)

From Community Highlights on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 13:09
Days of great talks but, alas, some more problems with the PA (crazy distortion) means we can’t bring you Yashosagar’s, at least for now. We will have Paramabandhu’s though, just as soon as ever we can… :)
Candradasa's picture

Days 5 & 6 Gallery - Part 1: At the Mahabodhi Temple

From Community Highlights on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 12:53

Days 5 & 6 Gallery - Part 1: At the Mahabodhi Temple

From Community Highlights on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 12:53
Days 5 & 6 were pretty full. Here are some shots from the half of one day when the men were doing some reflection at the Mahabodhi Temple (our Dharmacharis alternated venues with our Dharmacharinis for two days of ‘single sex’ conventions)…
Candradasa's picture

Saddhaloka - Tales From the Pali Canon Around Receptivity

From Community Highlights on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 12:33
Saddhaloka in great form under the Bodhi Tree, setting us up for a morning of reflection on the men’s convention (day 5!) by telling stories from some of the oldest Buddhist sutras. Famous tales like Meghiya meet less well-known ones (the tale of ‘Contradictor’!) and a picture emerges of the Buddha meeting all-comers and finding a way to speak that allowed their hearts to open…

In English with Hindi translation.

Recorded at Bodh Gaya, 28th February 2013

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Free Buddhist Audio

Spontaneous Universal Compassion

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
This is the last of eight talks in the series 'Evolution and the meaning of life'. To take the next evolutionary step, we need to purify the mind. This talk

continues the exploration of the mind, looking at the possibility of going beyond the individually willed ethical activity of the karma order to the spontaneous play of universal compassion that is the stream of the dharma.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Udana - Talk 3 - The Uposatha Day

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
This talk is the third of four talks by Padmavajra on a men's Going for Refuge retreat, December 2012.

Padmavajra explores some of the suttas from The Udana collection of the Pali Canon, referring throughout to Sangharakshita's seminar material.

This talk is organised using the following structure : The meaning of Uposatha; the bhikkhu who refuses to confess and his expulsion from the assembly; the meaning of patimokkha; confession and openess; the Dhamma-Vinaya likened to the great and mighty ocean.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Udana - Talk 4 - Men of Attainment

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
This talk is the last of four talks by Padmavajra on a men's Going for Refuge retreat, December 2012. Padmavajra explores some of the suttas from The Udana collection of the Pali Canon, referring throughout to Sangharakshita's seminar material. This talk is organised using the following structure : the Jatilla ascetics; how you can tell whether a man has insight; the story of Yassoja and his noisy disciples; Dabba of the Mallas; Parinibbana
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Journey and the Guide Wk6

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 00:00
The sixth in a series of eight talks given at the LBC's Dharma Night. An eight-week seminar exploring a practical path to Enlightenment using the five stages of spiritual life: integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, rebirth and spiritual receptivity. We'll be dedicating ourselves to day-to-day practice inspired by the Buddha's example.
