Vajranatha's picture

Buda + Yo

From Community Highlights on Wed, 20 Feb, 2013 - 10:24

Buda + Yo

From Community Highlights on Wed, 20 Feb, 2013 - 10:24Nagaloka, Nagpur

It is relatively quiet here. (Just wedding music playing in the evenings and the constant pipping of horns in the middle distance on the Kamptee Road.) It is also very beautiful – well kept open spaces with lawns and flower gardens, purpose built buildings and the massive walking bronze Buddha overlooking it all. So I’m aware that I haven’t yet really seen India yet, that will come later. But it is an amazing location for the second...
lokabandhu's picture

Vajraloka retreat centre seeks two new team members

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 20 Feb, 2013 - 09:50

Vajraloka retreat centre seeks two new team members

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 20 Feb, 2013 - 09:50Vajraloka is Triratna’s meditation retreat centre in North Wales, UK. It has been established for over 30 years and been central to the deepening of the Triuratna community’s understanding and practice of meditation. For the last 4 – 6 years there has been a very steady team of around 6 men at Vajraloka who between them are responsible for all aspects of the project. This has been an excellent working ground for their individual and collective practice...
Candradasa's picture

Yashosagar Chanting a Verse from the Dhammapada

From Community Highlights on Tue, 19 Feb, 2013 - 17:35
Well, this is just about the sweetest bonus in any Dharma talk - when the speaker breaks into song and sings of the happy life…

Yashosagar Chanting a Verse from the Dhammapada (from his talk on working against ego-clinging).

viriyalila's picture

Death & The Buddhist

From Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 19 Feb, 2013 - 17:23

Death & The Buddhist

From Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 19 Feb, 2013 - 17:23Continuing on our theme of reflecting on the Buddha’s Parinirvana, this week’s FBA Podcast “Death And The Buddhist,” is offered by Danavira. In this unusually funny talk, Danavira very skillfully does both the poetic and the profound. He tends to the chaotic in his style, and has a particular genius for this kind of thing - this kind of thing being talking about death.

The whole talk is a kind of respectful joyride through the hardest...
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Mandala of the Five Buddhas - Talk 9 - Amitabha and the Phoenix

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 19 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
Ninth talk of Padmaloka's 2012 Winter Retreat. Amitabha's emphasis is on meditation and his wisdom is that of discrimination, he is also associated with spiritual death. How do all these associations come together ? One point of connection is the Bodhicitta. The reorientation of self and a letting go which allows for something vaster and more beautiful to inform our lives. In the first place, this might be expressed through being more empathic and compassionate to others.

The fires that can consume our old selves also release a new potential, the image of the phoenix evokes this transformation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Mandala of the Five Buddhas - Talk 10 - Amoghasiddhi and Harmonious Action

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 19 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
Tenth talk of Padmaloka's 2012 Winter Retreat. Amoghasiddhi is the Buddha of action and also spiritual rebirth, he shows us the possibility of really making a difference in this world. But that doesn't need to be showy, small acts can have big consequences and in fact the wisdom of Amoghasiddhi is said to be subtle and without gross effort. We just need to have the courage to act ourselves.

The double vajra is Amoghasiddhi's symbol, it balances opposites and the releases the energy that can allow for those subtle actions.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Mandala of the Five Buddhas - Talk 11 - Sitting At the Centre of the Mandala

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 19 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
Eleventh and last talk of Padmaloka's 2012 Winter Retreat. Once again at the Centre of the Mandala, Vairocana, how do we balance the teachings of effort and openness. One way is through the image of the Sun and relaxed being, the practice of the Dharma is simply to come back. Yet of course this requires effort.

Another question is the balance between practical and mythical approaches : can we hold both at once? What do we give significance to ? what do we make real ? can we open to a world of richer and deeper meaning ?
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Kalyana Mitrata - Truly, Madly, Deeply

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Tue, 19 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
A talk by Vajradevi to launch the Cambridge Buddhist Centre Year of Kalyana Mitrata.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Painting the Void

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 19 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
Art East with Abhayavajra - Painting the Void. What happens when Buddhist practice meets contemporary western art? Art East presents an evening with Abhayavajra at the London Buddhist Arts Centre, exploring how the Dharma life is expressed in art practice. Interviewed by Maitreyabandhu.
