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Free Buddhist Audio

A Personal Take On the Sevenfold Puja

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 28 Jul, 2016 - 01:00
This is another in our series of talks on Transforming Self and World through exploration of the sevenfold puja. Amarapuspa discusses the Going For Refuge section of the puja, and the Refuges and Precepts, with examples from her own personal journey towards letting go into the puja. We hear the story of Dhaniya the Cattleman and the session finishes with a series of led reflections asking "can we be inspired by the example of the Buddha?". This talk was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre in June 2016 as part of our regular Saturday morning sangha class.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Question and Answer Session On Running "Hidden Gems", a Right Livelihood Business

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 28 Jul, 2016 - 01:00
This is a fascinating question and answer session, in which the inspirational ladies of the "Hidden Gems" right livelihood business talk about what it is like to run such a business. We hear contributions from Bodhimala, Mokshadarshini, Pasadanandi, Gill, Theresa and Inge, and the whole session is chaired by Perrianne. Topics include how the business was set up, how it has affected the lives of the people running it, and how this can be a very challenging process. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in June 2016 as part of the regular Saturday morning sangha class.
Candradasa's picture

First Ever Online Mitra Ceremony

From Mitra Support on Wed, 27 Jul, 2016 - 20:47

First Ever Online Mitra Ceremony

From Mitra Support on Wed, 27 Jul, 2016 - 20:47

*UPDATE* You can now watch a great short film about the event on Triratna News.

To watch again as-live, please view via Facebook Videos. You will need a Facebook account to watch this.


Finding a video of a Mitra ceremony from the past this week seemed a good prompt to let you know about a further step into a digitally connected future with our first ever online Mitra Ceremony


Nandavajra's picture

Triratna Festival Dates CE 2016 -2025

From European Chairs' Assembly on Wed, 27 Jul, 2016 - 10:10

Here you will find the Triratna Festival dates for CE 2016 -2025

File NameSize
Triratna Festival Dates370.69 KB
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Mindfulness and the Creative Disruption of Bias

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Wed, 27 Jul, 2016 - 01:00
Viveka exploring the theme of racism from the perspective of the Dharma and what the Buddha had to say about complex conditionality. A timely look at understanding - and ultimately undoing - the patterns that lead to prejudice and bias, of all kinds. Specifically, this talk investigates: - Opening to the inter-personal, organizational, and societal conditioning that perpetuates racial bias. - Understanding 'implicit bias', which is how thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions are influenced (largely unconsciously) by exposure to stereotypes and fears about targeted social groups. - How can the mechanics of 'implicit' bias be disrupted by the power of mindfulness? Talk given at San Francisco Buddhist Center, June 2016.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Every Day Is Dharma Day

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 27 Jul, 2016 - 00:00
An exposition of the 6 Anusati's as taught to Mahanama by the Buddha in the Mahanam Suttaof the Anguttara Nikaya. These recollections are a way to practice in every day life developing a mind that is free from the poisons and full of positivity. A practical and delightful talk for Cambridge Dharma Day 2016.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Getting Out of the Way

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 27 Jul, 2016 - 00:00
In the final talk by Ratnaghosha on the 5 Stages of the Path he evokes the conditions needed to create receptivity to the Dharma. The talk creates a beautiful vision of what is possible spiritually when we get out of the way and follow the call of the Buddha Dharma.
Khemasuri's picture

Three Days Left to Book Your Spot on the International Conventions

From Order Connection on Tue, 26 Jul, 2016 - 13:57

Three Days Left to Book Your Spot on the International Conventions

From Order Connection on Tue, 26 Jul, 2016 - 13:57

International Order Conventions 2016
Buddhism for Today and Tomorrow

Combined Convention at Wymondham College
Tue. 16th - Sun. 21st August

Please book before 29th July. Only 3 days to go!  The date has been brought forward 2 days as Akasharaja will be on a Buddhafield retreat with his family from the 29th and Wymondham need the numbers before he goes.  

Visit the Conventions space for more information on the programme and how to book.


saddhaloka's picture

A New Version of the Positive Speech Precepts

From Order Connection on Tue, 26 Jul, 2016 - 13:48

A New Version of the Positive Speech Precepts

From Order Connection on Tue, 26 Jul, 2016 - 13:48

Dear Order Members,

As you will know, we have already agreed to make changes to the Pali precepts at the Order Conventions this summer. After these changes had been agreed, it came to my attention that Bhante had also been thinking about the issue of us having only three positive speech precepts rather than four. In discussing this with Bhante, he said he had come up with a new version of four positive speech precepts as follows:


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Free Buddhist Audio

In a Nutshell

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 25 Jul, 2016 - 01:00
Former chair of the LBC - Dhammarati - returns to London as a speical guest for this year's Dharma Day Celebrations.
