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Free Buddhist Audio

Themes From the Vimalakirti Nirdesha

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Mon, 1 Aug, 2016 - 01:00
A wide ranging introduction to the Sutra with plenty of personal examples and punchy reflections.
Prajnaketu's picture

Dharma, Brexit, and the Future

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sun, 31 Jul, 2016 - 19:42

Dharma, Brexit, and the Future

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sun, 31 Jul, 2016 - 19:42

Prajnaketu explores the EU referendum through the lens of the Four Noble Truths. Talk given in Oxford on Dharma Day 2016

shraddhavani's picture

Sunday Community Gathering - Exploring the Spiritual Path

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 23:28

Sunday Community Gathering - Exploring the Spiritual Path

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 23:28

How do you envision your spiritual path? How do you know you are following it?  We will meditate together, then explore these questions and more as we look at the Buddhist Threefold Path of Ethics, Meditation and Wisdom, starting this Sunday, July 31, at 10AM and continuing each Sunday through August 21.  

Join our community gathering.  No prior experience with meditation or Buddhism is required to participate.

Offered by donation.  Suggested donation $10-$5.

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Centre Team

The Dharma Training Course For Mitras - Reimagined!

From Triratna News on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 20:16

The Dharma Training Course For Mitras - Reimagined!

From Triratna News on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 20:16

If you’re a Mitra in the Triratna Buddhist Community, there’s a fair chance you may have done (or at least come across!) some of the four-year Dharma Training Course for Mitras - generally and affectionately known as “Mitra Study”… We’re delighted to announce the launch of a brand new revised version of the course - and a great new website for accessing the material and getting support as you go deeper into the practice...

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Centre Team

2016 International Council - Live Coverage!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 18:19

2016 International Council - Live Coverage!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 18:19

This week the fourth Triratna International Council take place at Adhisthana. This great biennial gathering is now a central feature of the creative life of our Order and Community, as inspiring Order members gather from every continent to help shape the practice life of our sangha around the world.

As usual, we’ll be covering the week’s events live from Adhisthana - so you can stay in touch with developments and the work being done to ensure what...

Prajnaketu's picture

Honouring the King's Sacred Duty - Sanghanistha

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 11:28

In this talk Sanghanistha shares his reflections on one of Sangharakshita’s aphorisms and how this acts as a blueprint for a life that embodies the archetype of the king. A life lived knowing change and directing change by taking responsibility for ourselves as agents of karma, a life lived helping others to also do this and come together to transform the world around us so that it upholds and encourages the highest values.

This was the final talk given at the ‘Awakening...

Prajnaketu's picture

Authority, Reality, the King - Prajnaketu

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 11:27

Where does genuine authority come from? How can we harness our potential to bring order to our lives and the world? In this engaging and personal talk Prajnaketu explores how the practice of Buddhist ethics awakens the King in all of us. This talk was given at the ‘Awakening the King’ Young Men’s Retreat, April 2016.

Prajnaketu's picture

The King: Without and Within - Buddhasiha

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 11:25

This talk introduces the archetype of the King, and the qualities it brings to the life of a man. We’re led through a short active imagination, bringing the King to mind, and we then hear how the Buddha is the ultimate of all Kings. This talk was given at the ‘Awakening the King’ Young Men’s Retreat, April 2016.

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Free Buddhist Audio

An Interview with Ratnaguna On the Pure Land Sutras

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 30 Jul, 2016 - 00:00
Jvalamalini interviews Ratnaguna on the topic of his book 'Great Faith, Great Wisdom: Practice and awakening in the Pure Land sutras of Mahayana Buddhism'
Dhirananda's picture

Insight in Triratna

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 29 Jul, 2016 - 02:50

Insight in Triratna

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 29 Jul, 2016 - 02:50

I want to express my gratitude to Kamalashila for his initiative to open up a space for the Order at large to discuss insight practice and issues around the differences between the traditional Triratna approach to insight and the approach used in for example Direct pointing.

Reading and listening to Satyadhana I get the impression that the main strength of his approach to the Dharma – and, it has to be said, to the traditional teachings of the Buddha, as far as...
