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Mitra (Study, Ceremony, etc) Resources OM

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 - 18:06

Re the file: Creative Mitra Study (below)

The course contains suggestions for creative ways of touching our emotions as well as our reason when studying the Dharma. The intention is to bring the study material alive by using other methods of exploring the text in addition to the usual summary/questions/discussion way. It includes brainstorms, games of all sorts, dramatic readings, dressing up, music, exercises, rituals and reporting-in on a theme. All activities have been tried out with a group at least once....

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Giving Avalokitesvara a Hand by Dhammaloka

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 - 17:33

“Giving Avalokitesvara a Hand”  by Dhammaloka 

An exploration in imagination and Sangha-building. Taking images of the 42 ‘major’ hands or emblems of Avalokitesvara/Kuan Yin participants explore both the great variety of Bodhisattva activity and how they might themselves contribute to it.

Possible objectives:

  • Exploring the variety of enlightened activities
  • Introducing GuanYin / Avalokitesvara
  • Sangha-building, getting to know each others’ personal interests and strengths
  • Playful exploration and gaining of commitment to contribute to the mandala
  • Contextualize Avalokitesvara / GuanYin in the White Lotus Sutra
  • Introduce Avalokitesvara as a symbol of the WBO

The material :

  • Images of the 42 emblems/hands.
  • Instruction and explanation
  • ...
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Stillness and Seeing Through - An Article by Smritiratna (2008) OM

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 - 17:27

Stilling and Seeing Through  by Smrtiratna 

This is an article by Smritiratna, originally published in Shabda May 2008.

The article was written to

  • explain how Smritiratna has been introducing insight contemplations at Friends level, over the last three years, especially on “Stilling and Seeing Through” retreats,
  • describe what happens on these retreats,
  • outline their doctrinal background,
  • explain how all this contributes to our work and
  • invite you to attend and invite your comments and suggestions.
File NameSize
stillness and seeing through 216.61 KB
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Dharma teaching: Pure Awareness Course, Viveka 2005 OM

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 - 17:24

A five week course on Pure Awareness Meditation Practice, explored from the viewpoint of each of the 3 yanas.

given by Viveka from the San Francisco Buddhist Center in 2005 

File NameSize
outline 22.5 KB
talk 133 KB
talk 237.5 KB
talk 3 29 KB
talk 432.5 KB
talk 532 KB
bahiya sutta 32.5 KB
mokshini's picture

Dharma Teaching - Cultivating Insight Course OM

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 - 17:16

Cultivating Insight (Sudarshini and Maitreyabandhu, 9 weeks)

This material - -provided by Sudarshini and Maitreyabandhu from the LBC in 2006 -consists in 9 letters to course participants. These letters were sent out by email a day or two after the class.

Undoubtedly, you will want to adapt the letters to your own circumstances 

File NameSize
cultivating insight 2006 37.5 KB
mokshini's picture

System of Meditation

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 - 09:12

The Triratna ‘System of Meditation’

A System of Meditation (Sangharakshita) - this is a link to Sangharakshita’s 1978 classic talk introducing the then FWBO’s system of meditation.

The attached files are Cittapala’s booklet on The System of Meditation entitled: 

A System of Meditation – Revisited (Cittapala)

This material, compiled by Cittapala, contains essential teachings by Sangharakshita on meditation. Besides the original lecture ‘A System of Meditation’ it includes a rich selection of seminar extracts and other teachings by Sangharakshita.
