mokshini's picture

Triratna Constitutions and Governing Documents

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 28 Nov, 2016 - 14:38

Constitutions & governing documents

The preferred charity structure for Triratna Buddhist Centres in the UK is a CIO - charitable incorporated organisation, which combine the benefits of being a charity with those of being registered as a company (reduced liability of the trustees) - more details here

Info on previous versions of the Triratna constitution, which most Triratna Centres in the UK will have adopted in 2012: 

In February 2012 the Charity Commission approved a new ‘standard’ Constitution for use by...

mokshini's picture

Pujas & Main Ritual Resources Within Triratna (in English)

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 28 Nov, 2016 - 13:26

the main rituals used in the Triratna Buddhist Community, in English. 

For texts of rituals in other languages, see Triratna Translations 

mokshini's picture

Dharma Teaching: Imagination, Beauty, and Ritual in the Spiritual Life - course, (Padmavajri)

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 28 Nov, 2016 - 13:13

Imagination, Beauty and Ritual (Padmavajri, 8 weeks)

This course over eight weeks on The Place of Imagination, Beauty, and Ritual in the Spiritual Life was provided by Padmavajri from the Brighton Buddhist Centre.

Padmavajri says: “I led two groups on this. The course was aimed at any Mitras and it turned out I had a group of experienced Mitras, and a group of newer Mitras (one or two years old). … The two groups here loved it, enjoyed it, were challenged by it, and also were...

mokshini's picture

Dharma Teaching - Ritual & Devotion - introductory six week course by Vajrapriya

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 28 Nov, 2016 - 12:55

A six week course introducing puja and devotion, written by Vajrapriya, Cambridge

This course is part of a longer (six module) “Buddhism Two” Course ; it is 5th of the 6th courses. 


  • Who/what do Buddhists worship? Commitment to a path of personal development
  • The practice of openness, disclosure and confession
  • The importance of developing positive emotion
  • Receptivity: turning towards what is deepest in ourselves and the universe
  • The ‘awakening heart’ (bodhicitta)
  • The Heart Sutra: the essence of emptiness. Chanting, and the use of mantras
ratnadharini's picture

Resignation of Kamalamani

From Order Connection on Fri, 25 Nov, 2016 - 17:58

Resignation of Kamalamani

From Order Connection on Fri, 25 Nov, 2016 - 17:58

Dear Order Members,

Kamalamani, from Bristol, UK, was ordained at Tiratanaloka in 2005, with Maitreyi as her private preceptor and myself as her public preceptor. She has been in correspondence with the two of us over several months while considering her resignation from the Order, and visited each of us yesterday to communicate her final decision. After talking with Kamalamani and Maitreyi, I have accepted her resignation.

We are sorry to see her leave the Order, but wish her well on her path....

Prajnaketu's picture

Two opportunities to live and work at Adhisthana

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Thu, 24 Nov, 2016 - 14:47

Two opportunities to live and work at Adhisthana

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Thu, 24 Nov, 2016 - 14:47

Love Adhisthana? Ever wanted to live and work there? Then these opportunities may be exactly what you’re looking for…!

From Akasajoti:

We have two positions available at Adhisthana: ‘Second Cook’ and ‘Administrator’, and we are looking for two new members of the community to fill these roles. 
Adhisthana holds a strong vision for Triratna and is a vibrant, developing...

mokshini's picture

Publicity - Triratna Photos

From Triratna Resources on Wed, 23 Nov, 2016 - 12:13

Triratna Photos Website

Lokabandhu created a useful Triratna Photos area on Flikr – with hundreds and hundreds of photos of Triratna centres and events…It has the potential to be expanded to include much more and be a valuable photo and publicity archive for centres…

Instructions for using the Triratna Photos website

Please send me any comments on the ease-of-use of these instructions to info [at]

* Get your photos onto your computer, if possible making sure each one is not a massive file size. Anything bigger...

mokshini's picture

Name Change Information (2010) - Archive

From Triratna Resources on Wed, 23 Nov, 2016 - 10:42

Name change

Listen to a talk about changing our name

On 6th January 2010 Bhante sent a message to all Order Members asking them to change the name of the Order to the Triratna Buddhist Order. He later accepted a suggestion from the European Chairs Assembly that the Movement become the Triratna Buddhist Community.

This page contains a ‘Name Change Pack’, prepared by the Development Team, for the use of Centre Councils who are considering how to implement this at their local...
