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Free Buddhist Audio

A Buddhaside Chat About Divinity

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 1 Dec, 2016 - 00:00
In this final talk as the President of Croydon Maitreyabandhu explores Buddhism through the works of Robert Frost. He concentrates on the poem "For once then something" and looks at the ideas of highest liveliness and divinity shaping our ends. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in June 2016.
Shantigarbha's picture

uk and ireland men rocs

From Order Connection on Wed, 30 Nov, 2016 - 23:27

uk and ireland men rocs (group)

From Order Connection on Wed, 30 Nov, 2016 - 23:27

This is the space for news and discussions for the Regional Order Convenors.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Integration: a Path to Wholeness

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Wed, 30 Nov, 2016 - 00:00
A heartfelt talk about Integration as a path to wholeness. Looking at the what, how and why of this crucial aspect of the spiritual life.
mokshini's picture

School Visits and Children's Dharma Resources

From Triratna Resources on Tue, 29 Nov, 2016 - 17:09

Schools Visits and Children’s Dharma Resources 

This page primarily offers resources for those organising visits by schoolchildren to Buddhist Centres. Resources for ‘Young Buddhists’ are in a separate section. Safeguarding policies for Children and Vulnerable Adults can be found here. 

Ask a Buddhist, Clearvision’s website with one-minute video-clip answers to schoolchildren’s 20 most-asked questions. The answers are by Buddhists from a range of traditions, not just Triratna.

The Bristol Centre’s Vitarka project has prepared three resource lists for teachers – each is a list of Buddhist...

mokshini's picture

Strategy and Vision

From Triratna Resources on Tue, 29 Nov, 2016 - 16:51

Vision and Delivery

The London Buddhist Centre has developed a simple two-page summary of its core functions and who’s responsible for delivering them. See attached pdf.

Facilitating Strategy and Vision

Amaraketu, who was chair of the Bristol Buddhist Centre, has provided this guide to developing a successful strategy and vision in your council and/or sangha. It is also available as a powerpoint presentation (attached) This has lots of pretty pictures and interesting visuals that are not reproduced below!

In the notes below, the bold text is what appears...

mokshini's picture

How to Run a Retreat

From Triratna Resources on Tue, 29 Nov, 2016 - 16:02

How to Run a Retreat

If you’re new to the business of organising a weekend retreat these notes may be useful.

Venue checklist
some things to look for when planning a weekend retreat or visiting a possible venue
see the document attached: weekend_retreats_venue_checklist

Finding a venue
There’s various (UK-based) websites that can help you find a venue – – excellent site with many large venues in UK and Europe – UK Youth Hostels available for group...

mokshini's picture

Order Mediation Resource OM

From Triratna Resources on Tue, 29 Nov, 2016 - 15:43



We all want to be at peace with those about us.
We want to “live united”.
We hold goodwill and harmony close to our hearts as inherent parts of our vision and faith.

So how do we each live without fear and aggression in a world which constantly presents the challenge of difference?

We have many individual and collective resources for working towards...

mokshini's picture

System of Meditation - Ideas for Communicating at All Levels of Practice

From Triratna Resources on Tue, 29 Nov, 2016 - 14:55

I compiled this summary of how Triratna’s System of Practice might be communicated both at different levels of experience, and using the CAPS tool: different learning styles - Concepts/Attitudes/Practices & Symbols and Stories 

mokshini's picture

Triratna Chairs & Trustees Handbook

From Triratna Resources on Mon, 28 Nov, 2016 - 22:07

The Triratna Chairs & Trustee’s Handbook - A guide for members of Triratna Councils

(Triratna Chairs Assembly, Registered Charity 1117287)

Current version updated 2013

Most Triratna centres in the UK are run as registered charities. When you become a Council member you become a charity trustee. Being a Council member carries legal responsibilities and duties. This handbook sets out briefly and simply the responsibilities and duties of a Council member in the light of the Charity law and provides information on some of the other...
