saradarshini's picture

BAM at the Wellington Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Tue, 5 Jun, 2018 - 10:58

BAM at the Wellington Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Tue, 5 Jun, 2018 - 10:58

BAM has kicked off in the Wellington Buddhist Centre! 

Transforming self, transforming world. Saradarshini launched BAM on Tuesday June 5th and that evening Achala gave a talk on Dr Ambedkar.

For the next 5 weeks we’ll look at the five positive precepts with an emphasis on the BAM theme of transforming self, transforming world.

Saradarshini gave an example of a personal precept she has taken after reflecting on her relationship with technology. Her smart phone will be going into airplane mode an hour before...

Sadayasihi's picture

One Thing You Can Do to Help Tackle Climate Change

From Vegan Buddhist on Mon, 4 Jun, 2018 - 15:32

One Thing You Can Do to Help Tackle Climate Change

From Vegan Buddhist on Mon, 4 Jun, 2018 - 15:32

It’s Buddhist Action Month, and you may well be reflecting on the choices you make and the impact they have on the world around you. It is clear that humanity is facing into an unprecedented situation of human caused global warming, and, without taking adequate and immediate action, runaway climate change is imminent- which would ultimately make most of our planet uninhabitable for humans. So far, so alarming. What is one to do in such a situation?


Maitrisara's picture

BAM in Birmingham

From Buddhist Action on Mon, 4 Jun, 2018 - 12:24

BAM in Birmingham

From Buddhist Action on Mon, 4 Jun, 2018 - 12:24

Birmingham Buddhist Centre have dedicated the theme of Sangha night in June to Buddhist Action Month. Under the heading of Transforming Self, Transforming World, we will be holding themed evenings looking at the altruistic dimension of the Birmingham Buddhist Centre on 7th June and the following week there will be short personal talks on how you bring Buddhist practice to your work. There will be an evening on 21 June about Buddhist social change and on 28 June there will be...

Saddhammapradip's picture

Women Invitee GFR Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 4 Jun, 2018 - 04:25

Women Invitee GFR Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 4 Jun, 2018 - 04:25

From 20th to 27th May 18 Women Invitee Going for Refugee (GFR) retreat on System of Practice led by Dhni. Shubhajaya, Dhni. Abhayavati, Dhni. Shilvati, Dhni. Bodhiratna and Dhni. Kamalchitta. Attended by 55 mitra who has ask for Ordination.

Subhadramati's picture

Ordinations at Akashavana Retreat Centre

From Order Connection on Sun, 3 Jun, 2018 - 15:18

Ordinations at Akashavana Retreat Centre

From Order Connection on Sun, 3 Jun, 2018 - 15:18

Dear Order Members,

We are delighted to announce that the following 21 women were ordained at Akashavana on June 2nd, 2018.

Public Preceptor: Subhadramati

Fiona Johnston becomes Suvarnajyoti
A Pali name meaning ‘She who is or has a golden light’
Westernised spelling: Suvarnajyoti
Private Preceptor: Maitrivajri

Elaine Jackson becomes Maitrimati
A Sanskrit name meaning ‘She whose mind turns to loving kindness’
Westernised spelling: Maitrimati
Private Preceptor: Kalyanaprabha

Rachel Green becomes Karunatara
A Sanskrit name meaning ‘She who is a guiding star of compassion’
Westernised spelling: Karunatara
Private Preceptor: Dayanandi

Sue Haynes...

Satyalila's picture

50 Years, 50 Voices: Vessantara (Highlights)

From Buddhist Voices on Thu, 31 May, 2018 - 15:00

…there was something which came through Bhante which really was full of Dharma qualities, and that’s what started Triratna…

 Vessantara’s Annals
In 1968 I’m 18, and spend eight months working in clerical jobs, earning money before going to Cambridge University to study English. I’ve adopted a hippie view of the world and spend hours in my friend Les Doyle’s attic bedroom, which is painted black and decorated with silver foil, listening to early Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix. I’m reading about eastern religions,...

Candradasa's picture

Buddha Day Offerings From The Goddess of the Spring

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 2 Jun, 2018 - 08:10

To mark the great festival of Buddha Day (Wesak), when we celebrate the Enlightenment and its opening up of the path that leads to the end of suffering, here’s a wonderful mythologically minded conversation with Sthanashraddha, self-confessed ritualist and all-round lover of beauty and of the Dharma as an aesthetic choice in itself.

Sthanashraddha’s considerable elegance of being and of mind comes through beautifully as we hear his magical tale of a dawn adventure to meet the goddess of the Malvern springs...

Candradasa's picture

Buddha Day Offerings From The Goddess of the Spring

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 2 Jun, 2018 - 08:10

To mark the great festival of Buddha Day (Wesak), when we celebrate the Enlightenment and its opening up of the path that leads to the end of suffering, here’s a wonderful mythologically minded conversation with Sthanashraddha, self-confessed ritualist and all-round lover of beauty and of the Dharma as an aesthetic choice in itself.

Sthanashraddha’s considerable elegance of being and of mind comes through beautifully as we hear his magical tale of a dawn adventure to meet the goddess of the Malvern springs...

Sadayasihi's picture

Windhorse Publications: Nautilus Award and New Books

From Triratna News on Fri, 1 Jun, 2018 - 15:47

Windhorse Publications: Nautilus Award and New Books

From Triratna News on Fri, 1 Jun, 2018 - 15:47

Here are some updates on what’s going on in Windhorse Publications.

Mindfully Facing Disease and Death by Analayo won a Nautilus Award in the category of ‘aging consciously’.  Analayo’s book is a practical guide for those facing disease and death by helping them to access the ageless wisdom of the Buddha’s teaching. The Nautilus Award was established in the U.S. in 1998 is an annual award in the genre of social and environmental justice. Sadhu!

A new expanded edition of ...

Sadayasihi's picture

It's Buddhist Action Month!

From Triratna News on Fri, 1 Jun, 2018 - 14:51

It's Buddhist Action Month!

From Triratna News on Fri, 1 Jun, 2018 - 14:51

The 1st June marks the start of Buddhist Action Month, a festival of social action which is being marked by many Buddhist groups across the UK and Europe.  In Triratna, Sanghas across our community have been preparing for this event and incorporating events and activities in their various programmes.

In Southampton in the UK there will be talks on the theme of transformation, a workshop exploring Engaged Buddhism through the work of Joanna Macy, an India evening and a special...
