Sadayasihi's picture

Mindful Carers Project

From Triratna News on Wed, 20 Jun, 2018 - 15:58

Mindful Carers Project

From Triratna News on Wed, 20 Jun, 2018 - 15:58

Mindful Carers Limited is a very small company with a project as vast as the ocean - to bring more Buddhist values into long-term care (LTC). Co-Director, Dayasara has worked for many years in nursing and nurse education; his final paid job was in dementia care and he continues to volunteer in this field.  Dayasara would like to see a residential care home run on Buddhist principles, but the current social care funding situation makes that rather challenging to achieve, so...

Sadayasihi's picture

New Writings from Sangharakshita, 2015-2018

From Community Highlights on Wed, 20 Jun, 2018 - 15:11

Sangharakshita’s writings from 2015 to 2018 are open to all and are now available in Kindle, ePub and PDF format.

You can find them individually on his website.  There are thirty pieces altogether, covering a wide range of topics. The two most recent pieces, from April-May 2018, are Dreams Old and New 1 and 2, where Sangharakshita recalls some of the dream worlds he has inhabited, including ashrams, churches, woodlands, and outer space. 

File NameSize
Kindle version296.71 KB
ePub version203.63 KB
PDF version921.93 KB
Sadayasihi's picture

How Buddhist Action Month is Going...

From Triratna News on Wed, 20 Jun, 2018 - 13:52

How Buddhist Action Month is Going...

From Triratna News on Wed, 20 Jun, 2018 - 13:52

While Buddhist Action Month is no doubt a busy time for the many Centres and groups taking part, several have taken the time to keep us updated on how it’s been going for them.

From Padmasambhava’s arrival in Adelaide, Australia, to the Tree of Intentions in the North London Buddhist Centre to the colourful newsletter produced by the Mid Essex Centre aiming to raise awareness and funds for the homeless and refugees groups have been responding...

Guhyavajra's picture

Rabbits and rebirth - Guhyavajra

From Shabda Articles on Wed, 20 Jun, 2018 - 08:50

Rabbits and rebirth - Guhyavajra

From Shabda Articles on Wed, 20 Jun, 2018 - 08:50

Open to all.

Hi there. I recently had a request from an order member asking if it was OK to use some of my material by way of study related to rebirth, not a problem. I have subsequently reworked an article from 2014 which I submitted in response to a discussion at the time to place it in more general terms.

Rabbits and rebirth – Guhyavajra

I have been following the discussion on rebirth with some interest particularly in light of some views that appear  consistent...

Vajrashura's picture

Talk by Vessantara: Padmasambhava Practice – a Personal Unfolding

From Dublin Buddhist Centre on Tue, 19 Jun, 2018 - 19:33

In this wonderful personal talk about Padmasambhava, Vessantara talks about his connection with the strange figure of Padmasambhava.

On the way, he gives an insight into what it’s like to relate to these Buddha and Bodhisattva figures deeply, and how we can do this.

And he explores the effects doing this can have on our mind, our heart and our Dharma lives.

Talk given in the Dublin Buddhist Centre on Tuesday 25th April 2017.

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: What is actually happening?

From Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 19 Jun, 2018 - 14:00

In this FBA Dharmabyte Arthapriya creatively explores the question: What is actually happening?

Arthapriya explores the Buddhist understanding of what we call reality, and how it is less common sensical than we might imagine. In particular, he questions how much our ‘outside world’ is in fact so strongly conditioned by our state of mind. Covering karma, emptiness, impermanence and galaxies, this is a wide ranging talk!

From the talk ‘The Nature of Reality‘ of a series of three talks entitled...

Shantavira's picture

Order photos

From Order Connection on Tue, 19 Jun, 2018 - 07:39

A new set of Order photos is now available to download from the archives here. It includes all the new Order members from Guhyaloka and Akashavana. The file is over 100Mb so it may take a while to download. (If you are reading HTML Shabda you will need this file in order to see people’s photos in Shabda. Installation instructions are included in the zip file.) The file does not include deceased or resigned OMs, but if...

Vajrashura's picture

Dharma Talk - The Central Teaching of the Buddha: An Exploration of the Profound Teaching of Conditionality

From Dublin Buddhist Centre on Mon, 18 Jun, 2018 - 21:40

Paramabandhu explores in great breadth and depth the profound and central teaching of the Buddha: conditionality.

Drawing especially on incidents from the lives of the Buddha and his disciples in the Pali Canon, he highlights seven points that we should be particularly aware of when looking to understand this important teaching.

Talk given in the Dublin Buddhist Centre on Friday 17th May 2018.

Vajrashura's picture

BAM Talk - Dr. Ambedkar & the Dhamma Revolution in the West

From Dublin Buddhist Centre on Mon, 18 Jun, 2018 - 21:37

Dr. Ambedkar was a great social reformer in India who converted to Buddhism with hundreds of thousands of his followers, in order to help them escape the crushing oppression of caste.

Given as part of Buddhist Action Month in 2018, in this talk Jnanadhara explores the life and legacy of Dr. Ambedkar, and especially what Buddhists in the West can learn from the peaceful revolution that Dr. Ambedkar instigated in India.

Talk given in the Dublin Buddhist Centre on Friday 15th June 2018.

sona's picture

Resignation of Vidyavajra

From Order Connection on Mon, 18 Jun, 2018 - 15:22

Resignation of Vidyavajra

From Order Connection on Mon, 18 Jun, 2018 - 15:22

Dear Order Members,

We are writing to inform you of the resignation from the Order of Vidyavajra, who resides in Cambridge. Sona, as the person that publicly ordained Vidyavajra in June 2000 at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre, has responded. His Private Preceptor is Ashvajit.

We wish Vidyavajra well in the future. His resignation letter can be found below.

With metta,


It is not without poignancy and regret that I wish to resign from being a Triratna Order Member. This decision has...
