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BAM at the Wellington Buddhist Centre

BAM has kicked off in the Wellington Buddhist Centre! 

Transforming self, transforming world. Saradarshini launched BAM on Tuesday June 5th and that evening Achala gave a talk on Dr Ambedkar.

For the next 5 weeks we’ll look at the five positive precepts with an emphasis on the BAM theme of transforming self, transforming world.

Saradarshini gave an example of a personal precept she has taken after reflecting on her relationship with technology. Her smart phone will be going into airplane mode an hour before she goes to sleep and not coming off airplane mode until after breakfast.

We have a board where members of the Sangha are asked to complete the sentence “The future we want for our world and its inhabitants is…” on a piece of paper in the shape of a stylised feather. These will be glued to the board to make a feather cloak of our new narrative.

During the month we intend having a Sangha movie night and on Thursday June the 28th, our full moon puja night, we’ll celebrate Matariki, Maori new year. Matariki celebrations traditionally begin on the new moon in June where Matariki (Pleiades, Seven Sisters) are first seen in the dawn sky.