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I morgen starter Urban Retreat - det bliver spændende at dele en hel uges praksis med så mange andre rundt om i verden.
Her kan du dele tanker om din praksis, stille spørgsmål etc. og altsammen på dansk, det eneste du skal gøre er at melde dig til, for at følge indlæggene gennem ugen. Det gør du øverst til højre.
Du kan bruge gruppen så lidt eller så meget du vil - den er tilgængelig for...
This is just to let you know that in advance of the Urban Retreat starting on Saturday we’re busy making technical preparations to handle an expected upsurge in traffic to the website. Already in the past 10 days we’ve welcomed an extra five and a half thousand visitors (that makes 46,500 in the last month) and we want to make sure things go as smoothly as possible for everyone tuning into the content from...
From Triratna News on Thu, 7 Nov, 2013 - 00:23Only two days to go till the start of the 2013 Triratna International Urban Retreat!
This week, Triratna Buddhist Centres across the world will be encouraging their sanghas to strengthen their practice of metta (loving kindness), practising intensively in the midst of daily life. The event is also running online, with daily teachings and led meditations from Subhadramatiand Vajragupta. From Monday onwards, there’ll be daily short talks from Vessantara and news videos...
From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Thu, 7 Nov, 2013 - 00:10I arrived much later than I expected for my first visit to Adhisthana. It was dark and a little wet. Just after 6 the next morning mist was covering the near distant Malvern hills but I didn’t get the camera out until after the puja. So many stars and the gusting wind made them flicker through the trees. The fast driven clouds the next morning caused the light to fluctuate, the trees and buildings sometimes bathed in light only to...
From Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun on Wed, 6 Nov, 2013 - 22:01The Urban Retreat is now available to German and Spanish speakers world-wide: you’ll find the German and Spanish material at these links.
From Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford on Wed, 6 Nov, 2013 - 20:10Tim has been invited to give a talk at the Oxford Brookes University Open Discussion Society entitled ‘Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy?’. It’ll be an opportunity to find out more about Buddhism and to ask questions about any aspect of Buddhist practice.
When: Thursday 14th of November 5.30 for 6pm start Where: The Main Lecture Theatre, Oxford Brookes University, Harcourt Hill Campus, OX29AT
Ein Begleitheft zum Stadtretreat 2013; zusammengestellt, übersetzt und formatiert mit der Hilfe verschiedener Ordensmitglieder und Mitras aus mehreren deutschen Triratna-Zentren.
Dette er stedet hvor du på dansk kan dele tanker etc om din praksis under urban retreatet.
Det er tilgængeligt for alle, og det vil være rigtig fint at høre lidt om hvordan I klarer jer. Man kan selvfølgelig også vælge mest at skrive på den engelske del, for at have fornemmelsen af hvor mange der egentlig er med, og er velkommen til at bruge bloggen her til en mere stille stund.