
A few February words...

By bodhipaksini on Sat, 15 Feb, 2025 - 15:10

A few February words...

By bodhipaksini on Sat, 15 Feb, 2025 - 15:10

The three current community members are all back in the fold - Padmasakhi and Vidyachandra returned from the convention in India and Bodhipaksini from a winter UK visit. We’ve been enjoying Maitreyi’s company since Saturday - her final visit as president of Akashavana. (Maitreyi ritually handed over the presidency of Akashavana to Ratnadharini during the Order weekend at Adhisthana in December). On Thursday we performed a 7 fold puja in the shrine room up at the retreat centre, and...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Touching the Void, a Catastrophic Fall Into Heart (FBA Podcast)

By Centre Team on Sat, 15 Feb, 2025 - 11:00

In early 2020, only weeks preceding the full onslaught of the pandemic, Vajrin survived a catastrophic fall from a bike deep within New Zealand bush. Paralysed from the chest down and stranded in Auckland for months of lockdown, he called upon the Dharma. Despite four decades of practice, it didn’t seem to help. Or did it? …in ways he hadn’t predicted. This talk was given at Bristol Buddhist Centre, 2024.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Bit by Bit Freedom Emerges (Dharmabytes Podcast)

By Centre Team on Thu, 13 Feb, 2025 - 11:00

Fresh off a three-week solitary retreat, Vajragupta (m) shares, in a very personal and heart-felt way, what it was like, and what happened during that time. Coming to terms with his mother’s slide into dementia, evoking the strangeness of dreams and memories, describing the sheer vividness of experience on retreat, and reflecting on both the joy and the fear that can result: this is a moving and inspiring talk about the potential richness of solitude. Excerpted from...

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Order member wanted in women's LBC community

By Development Team on Wed, 12 Feb, 2025 - 16:59

Order member wanted in women's LBC community

By Development Team on Wed, 12 Feb, 2025 - 16:59

Are you looking for a change in your life? Would you be interested in moving to Samayakula community to live with six other Order members? We are looking for a Dharmacharini to join Dhammadinna, Kavyamani, Lilamani, Maitreyi, Muditasri, Saccamani and five mitras.

You could be based in London already or interested in relocating. We are an experienced community with some long standing members as well as younger and newer people. We are all involved with activities at the LBC and elsewhere.

If you...

Triratna Madrid
Triratna Madrid

Retiro de primavera

By Triratna Madrid on Wed, 12 Feb, 2025 - 12:11

Retiro de primavera

By Triratna Madrid on Wed, 12 Feb, 2025 - 12:11

Del 16 al 20 de abril del 2025

Retiro de primavera en Suryavana (Castellón, Valencia) 

El retiro es una oportunidad valiosa para alejarnos del ruido y la sobreestimulación de la vida cotidiana, con sus falsos refugios y promesas efímeras de felicidad. A través de charlas, meditación, grupos de reflexión, puyas (rituales budistas), yoga para el autocuidado del cuerpo y la mente, y periodos de silencio, podremos tomar una perspectiva más liberadora y profunda.

En este retiro exploraremos algunas de las ideas centrales del budismo y practicaremos...

Triratna Madrid
Triratna Madrid

Sufrimiento y decisiones sabias

By Triratna Madrid on Wed, 12 Feb, 2025 - 11:52

Sufrimiento y decisiones sabias

By Triratna Madrid on Wed, 12 Feb, 2025 - 11:52

22 de marzo, sabado


En Sala DānaCalle de Luis Vélez de Guevara 9, Madrid (metro Tirso de Molina)

Sufrimiento y Decisiones Sabias con Aryavacin

En esta charla, exploraremos una de las características fundamentales de nuestra existencia según las enseñanzas de Buda: el sufrimiento.

Hablaremos del sufrimiento real - el dolor físico y emocional que experimentamos; del sufrimiento potencial- la angustia que sentimos ante la posibilidad de perder lo que tenemos; y del sufrimiento esencial - la sensación de que, en nuestra búsqueda de la felicidad, nada puede satisfacernos...

Stockholms buddhistcenter
Stockholms buddhistcenter

Medvetandets Tre Magiska Egenskaper

By Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 10 Feb, 2025 - 00:00
En introduktion till medvetandets tre egenskaper: öppenhet, klarhet och sensitivitet. Man kan se dem som inneboende kvaliteter men också som principer som vi kan få syn på och odla i meditationen.·Sedan en guidad uppmärksamhet på andningen, där vi utforskar de tre egenskaperna. Stockholms Buddhistcenter 10 februari 2025.