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Audioboo glitches - and an excerpt from Sarah on what she's grateful for

By sanghadhara on Sat, 6 Apr, 2013 - 15:44
Sarah’s short talk in Birmingham - rather curtailed, alas, by technical glitches! The first few podcasts of the day have been (possibly) cut off in their prime - should be fixed now but apologies for the interruption! Normal service resumed now, we hope!
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Triratna Day in Sydney, Australia

By Bodhidasa on Sat, 6 Apr, 2013 - 13:38

Triratna Day in Sydney, Australia

By Bodhidasa on Sat, 6 Apr, 2013 - 13:38

Some shots from today’s celebrations here in Sydney…

Picture of the front shrine room where Viraja and Ratnajyoti spoke of how the Dharma and the movement touch our lives. The main shrine was offered by Benjamin and Lydia. Sudrishti lead us in a Sevenfold puja and during Puja, we chanted the Long Life White Tara mantra for the continued health of Sangharakshita.

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Triratna Boo No.1 - Expressing Gratitude

By sanghadhara on Sat, 6 Apr, 2013 - 13:22
Talking with Kara Moses (one of the Triratna Day organisers) about the theme for the day now the first meditation is over… With a preview of what’s coming up! Including the ‘Gratitude Explosion’…
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Let Triratna Day Begin!

By sanghadhara on Sat, 6 Apr, 2013 - 13:16

Let Triratna Day Begin!

By sanghadhara on Sat, 6 Apr, 2013 - 13:16
Let’s Triratna day begin! 30+ people meditating to start the day at Birmingham Buddhist Centre.
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Triratna Weekend!

By Candradasa on Fri, 5 Apr, 2013 - 20:33

Triratna Weekend!

By Candradasa on Fri, 5 Apr, 2013 - 20:33In days gone by, the dates of April 6th and 7th were well known throughout the FWBO (the old name for the Triratna Buddhist Community). FWBO Day and WBO Day were celebrated far and wide on the nearest available weekend, with many countries having their own local events. There was also a particular emphasis on a large gathering in the UK, at which keynote talks were...
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Community Highlights

Triratna Day in the UK, Birmingham 6th April

By dharmashalin on Tue, 26 Mar, 2013 - 17:56

Triratna Day in the UK, Birmingham 6th April

By dharmashalin on Tue, 26 Mar, 2013 - 17:56
Triratna Day 2013: Celebrating Gratitude with our wider community

Hosted by the Young Buddhists group

Saturday 6th April, Birmingham Buddhist Centre

Sangharakshita has said many people who visit him thank him for starting the Triratna Buddhist Community. He has observed that they nearly always express gratitude for two things: his clear conceptual...
