The recent bi-annual Triratna International Retreats have gone some way to reimagining our basis of connection in a renewed collective way. And this year we'd like to join local Triratna communities around the world in helping also re-establish the older tradition around our two special dates! This year, it's the 45th anniversary of the Order itself, and the 46th of the wider Triratna community, and we're happy to say we'll be reporting from celebrations in the UK and in the US, with at least a few contributions from India and (hopefully!) elsewhere.
The Triratna Young Buddhists Group are organising a big gathering in Birmingham, UK, and we'll be there to cover things live with podcasts and interviews, and hopefully some pictures and video (depending on internet connections!). And we'll also be at the celebrations for the sangha in the US on the east coast, where the various local Centres will gather as one community at Aryaloka to mark the occasion.
+ Follow us here and over on Facebook throughout the weekend and all next week. And Happy Triratna Weekend!