Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Interested in living and working at Taraloka?

By Nandavajra on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 14:15

Interested in living and working at Taraloka?

By Nandavajra on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 14:15

Interested in living and working at Taraloka?


Taraloka offers a unique context for women to live a full-time Dharma life, for being of service to others and for personal and collective transformation.

We’re looking for TWO new members of the Operations Team to start work in January 2018. The Operations Team collectively hold responsibility for the practical running and support of the retreat centre for example cooking, cleaning and support behind the scenes. As...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Learning to ride a bike at 40!

By Momtaz on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:24

Learning to ride a bike at 40!

By Momtaz on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:24

Written by Momtaz

Nearly everyone assumes that I would know how to ride a bike.  I probably would, if I had grown up with bikes, but I have never had one - although I must admit as I child I did want a bike and I did want to learn how to ride one.  However, as an adult it has never been an essential and I have been perfectly happy to walk whenever I can.  Even after I got my first car...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action


By Momtaz on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:13


By Momtaz on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:13

Its a common misconception that eggs are central when baking cakes, and that vegan cakes are dry and tasteless. But this isn’t true! You can make delicious cakes that are totally vegan without compromising on taste and texture. For the recent Taraloka open afternoon Momtaz and I spent the day baking vegan cakes, to show visitors how wonderful vegan cakes can be.

Momtaz baked a ‘Luscious Lemon and Poppy Seed’ cake; ingredients were vegan margarine, brown sugar, lemons, soya milk, flour, baking powder and...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action


By Momtaz on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 15:57


By Momtaz on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 15:57

TARALOKA OPEN AFTERNOON - JUNE 2017  Written by Trish Sykes

Sunday 11th June dawned with strong winds and dark, forbidding clouds. This ensured that, at every available moment, several community members headed to their computers to check the weather forecast. Some sound bites of the conversations that morning were:”40% chance of rain at 1300 hours”; “Oh - my search said no rain until 1400”; “Noooo! That’s just in time for my Tai Chi session on the lawn!”; “My...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Using Taraloka Resources: Elderflower

By Momtaz on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 14:44

Using Taraloka Resources: Elderflower

By Momtaz on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 14:44

Our wonderful gardener (as well as Retreat Leader) Suchitta manages the Gardens, not only beautifully, but also resourcefully. At the back of the community she is growing potatoes, garlic and rhubarb, and near the Retreat centre shrine room grows Elderflower. For the Open afternoon Momtaz and I made some Elderflower cordial to share some of the resources from the Taraloka Gardens.

Elderflower cordial is very easy to make and has a sweet and refreshingly cool taste. We gathered about 40 elderflower heads, thinly...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action


By Momtaz on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 12:53


By Momtaz on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 12:53

One of my pledges for BAM is to save water. We have 11 of us in the Taraloka community at the moment, and while not everyone showers or baths every day, we still use quite a large amount of water between us!

I decided to focus on the kitchen bathroom because it is a favourite bathroom for many: newly decorated last year; with the best shower pressure; and regularly used by six of us. It needed to be a simple idea...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Vegan baking: Sourdough Bread

By Momtaz on Mon, 12 Jun, 2017 - 16:41

Vegan baking: Sourdough Bread

By Momtaz on Mon, 12 Jun, 2017 - 16:41

Written by Catherine Ward from the Norwich Sangha who is currently volunteering for 6 months at Taraloka:

Bread making is steeped in history with Sourdough being one of the earliest forms of bread, and very central to village and community life for our ancestors. For Taraloka also, Sourdough is one of the main staples, and its been one of my pleasures as a volunteer to bake bread for the community.

With the theme of BAM being ‘connecting for change’ I have been reflecting...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

BAM at Taraloka

By mokshini on Mon, 12 Jun, 2017 - 06:52

BAM at Taraloka

By mokshini on Mon, 12 Jun, 2017 - 06:52

Reposting a blog from Momtaz at Taraloka for BAM

A couple of weeks ago, we had a great BAM preparation community night where Maitrisiddhi talked about the trends of Engagement and Withdrawal as personified by Green Tara.  Then we did some writing reflection and came up with 5 personal pledges each to do during June.  These were to include both withdrawal and engagement pledges.

Here are a few examples of our pledges:

Kathy, Maitridevi and I are going strictly vegan for the month.   I have also decided...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Tara Cabin rises once again!

By Aryanisha on Mon, 6 Feb, 2017 - 13:57

The Tara Cabin rises once again!

By Aryanisha on Mon, 6 Feb, 2017 - 13:57

We’re delighted to hear that Taraloka has just held its Dedication Ceremony for the new Tara Cabin.

Here’s an extract from their blog post, and you can also listen to the Dedication Ceremony on Free Buddhist Audio.

“On 1st February we held a dedication ceremony for the new Tara Cabin. We invited Taraloka’s local regular volunteers - some of our extended family as one community member put it. We also invited Craig our builder, who has spent months creating this beautiful space.

The original...

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016


By Momtaz on Thu, 30 Jun, 2016 - 11:57


By Momtaz on Thu, 30 Jun, 2016 - 11:57



Trying to stay fit at a Retreat Centre, believe it or not, has it challenges!  Before I moved to Taraloka, I would walk to most places; to work, to the shops, to the Buddhist centre, etc. I used to attend several gym classes a week prior to yoga became my main form of body movement.  I do prefer exercising in a group rather than on my own, though,...
