Lights In The Sky - living dharma
Lights In The Sky - living dharma

The Buddhist Idea of Rebirth

By Suryaprabha on Thu, 19 Oct, 2023 - 12:14

The Buddhist Idea of Rebirth

By Suryaprabha on Thu, 19 Oct, 2023 - 12:14

I came across this piece as I was scanning through some footage I’d been asked (and paid) to film in 2016 for Thomas Kaiser from Norway who was interviewing a number of people at Adhisthana. Thomas has kindly given me permission to share this gem of exposition.

London Buddhist Centre
London Buddhist Centre

Subhuti teaches 'The Reaction Practice'

By LDNBuddhist on Wed, 19 Oct, 2022 - 10:43

Subhuti teaches 'The Reaction Practice'

By LDNBuddhist on Wed, 19 Oct, 2022 - 10:43

In this video Subhuti, talks about and gives instruction on the Reaction Practice which he developed alongside Chandrashil in India. He explains how the practice came about and instructions on how to institute the practice into our daily lives.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Act of Awareness - Subhuti in Conversation with Maitreyabandhu About a Buddhist View of Mind

By Centre Team on Fri, 9 Sep, 2022 - 14:16

The Act of Awareness - Subhuti in Conversation with Maitreyabandhu About a Buddhist View of Mind

By Centre Team on Fri, 9 Sep, 2022 - 14:16

Early this year the Nature of Mind team filmed Subhuti in conversation with Maitreyabandhu about The Act of Awareness: A Buddhist View of Mind. Filmed with three cameras at Adhisthana, their conversation explored the essential Buddhist teachings about the mind and how to make the most of it. Subhuti’s insights are truly remarkable!

Sign up for free to The Nature of Mind

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Subhuti with Bodhikámala: The Importance of the Dharma in Latin America

By Centre Team on Mon, 23 May, 2022 - 06:48

Subhuti with Bodhikámala: The Importance of the Dharma in Latin America

By Centre Team on Mon, 23 May, 2022 - 06:48

Recorded live in Toluca, México. Subhuti in conversation with Bodhikámala about the vital opportunities the Buddhist path offers to people in Latin America looking for a better way to live. The excitement, the challenges, and the significance for Triratna as one of the fastest-growing corners of our worldwide community starts to impact a Buddhist culture shaped until now largely by British, European, and Indian culture.

Join us for one of our best-loved and most experienced teachers in a dynamic conversation with the...

Community Highlights
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Invitation to Black & Buddhist Free Online Event - with Suryagupta and Vimalasara

By Centre Team on Thu, 18 Feb, 2021 - 18:06

Invitation to Black & Buddhist Free Online Event - with Suryagupta and Vimalasara

By Centre Team on Thu, 18 Feb, 2021 - 18:06

Suryagupta, Chair of the London Buddhist Centre, along with Vimalasara (Chair of Vancouver Buddhist Centre), are taking part in ‘Black & Buddhist’ - a free online event, from 18th until 25th February which explores what Buddhism can teach us about race, resilience, transformation, and spiritual freedom.

Suryagupta gave a keynote talk at the London Buddhist Centre at the beginning of February which touched on the events of last year including her response to the some of the...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Awareness is Revolutionary: Part Two - Race, Bias and Freedom

By Centre Team on Wed, 8 Jul, 2020 - 15:39

Awareness is Revolutionary: Part Two - Race, Bias and Freedom

By Centre Team on Wed, 8 Jul, 2020 - 15:39

Awareness is Revolutionary: Part Two
Race, Bias and Freedom

On Thursday 9th July Suryagupta and Subhuti will continue their discussions on race, caste and Buddhism. Join them tomorrow for a second conversation exploring the question of bias.

West Coast USA 11.00 | Mexico 13.00 | East Coast USA 14.00 | UK & IE 19.00 | Europe 20.00 CET | India 23.30 | Australia EST 04.00 (Friday 10th) | New Zealand...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Awareness is Revolutionary: Talking about Race and Buddhism

By akasajoti on Wed, 24 Jun, 2020 - 14:27

Awareness is Revolutionary: Talking about Race and Buddhism

By akasajoti on Wed, 24 Jun, 2020 - 14:27

On 25 June, from 19.00-21.00 (UK), Subhuti will be in conversation with Suryagupta, the Chair of the London Buddhist Centre, on the topic of race, caste and Buddhism. They will explore the themes personally, arriving at a distinctively Dharmic approach to race and Buddhism, with time for you to ask questions via the chat facility on their YouTube Livestream. All are invited to join the LBC Sangha for what promises to be a memorable and significant evening.


Subhuti's Warning

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 1 May, 2020 - 12:51

Subhuti's Warning

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 1 May, 2020 - 12:51

In the last of these three short videos showing a conversation between Subhuti and James, Subhuti reflects on what not to do during lockdown, and how we can distract ourselves by using the internet as a means to avoid our present moment experience.

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Suryagupta and Subhuti in Conversation

By akasajoti on Thu, 30 Apr, 2020 - 23:02

Suryagupta and Subhuti in Conversation

By akasajoti on Thu, 30 Apr, 2020 - 23:02

On Sunday 19th, Suryagupta hosted a conversation with Subhuti on ‘Life, Death and Dying’ for the London Buddhist Centre, themes that are very much with us right now. 

It was an insightful and meaningful conversation, and Subhuti invited us to work as positively as we can with the challenges that the Coronavirus pandemic brings - so we hope the reflections in the interview give you inspiration to take your practice deeper.
