Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center
Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center

Study on Five Pillars of FWBO

By Saddhammapradip on Sun, 14 Jan, 2024 - 02:09

Study on Five Pillars of FWBO

By Saddhammapradip on Sun, 14 Jan, 2024 - 02:09

It was delightful to have Vidyaruchi and Study with him The Five Pillars of FWBO.

Ideas, Practice, Institute, Experiment and Imagination

Under Imagination good discussion about Amitabh Buddha as Infinite Light and Amitayus as Infinite Life. Light spread out through Space and Life continuous through out Time.

Appreciate Vidyaruchi for his time for study....

Padmaloka Retreat Centre
Padmaloka Retreat Centre

Autumn - Winter 2021 Programme is now Live!

By Satyakirti on Wed, 14 Jul, 2021 - 15:45

Autumn - Winter 2021 Programme is now Live!

By Satyakirti on Wed, 14 Jul, 2021 - 15:45

We are delighted to announce that the Padmaloka Autumn-Winter programme has just gone live and is ready for bookings.

This final phase of the year marks a step towards a normal programme of residential retreats here at Padmaloka. All of the retreats will be in-person, albeit with initially lower attendance limits.

The programme includes some of the classic Ordination Training retreats:

Spiritual Friendship: Exploring the centrality of Kalyana Mitrata, and how to practice it.
The System of Dharma Life: A look at the key elements of an effective...


The Precepts of Atisha

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 11 May, 2021 - 10:00

The Precepts of Atisha

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 11 May, 2021 - 10:00

The precept of the Lama is more important than scriptures and commentaries.

- Atiśa

In the early days of the Order, Sangharakshita held a seminar on a book called The Door of Liberation, which consisted of seven Tibetan texts, translated under the auspices of Geshe Wangyal. The Kadamthorbu was one of those.

The text consists of dialogues between Atiśa and his closest disciples, especially with his principal disciple, the layman Dromtönpa, who later founded the Kadam school. It’s an informal exposition of how to live as...


Duty and Delight | Hidden Gems

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 24 Apr, 2021 - 10:14

Duty and Delight | Hidden Gems

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 24 Apr, 2021 - 10:14

What does it mean to really beleive that friendship is the whole of the spiritual life? How will that change how we act?

Being willing to help each other is part of the central enterprise of the spiritual life - to grow. By being with people who we are not hiding anything from, it can connect us to ourselves more, and point us toward the wonder and mystery of what it is to be a human being.

Dhammarati and Saddhaloka discuss some of the jewels to be found in this study material for the online...


Friendship: Duty, Delight and Freedom

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 17 Apr, 2021 - 12:50

Friendship: Duty, Delight and Freedom

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 17 Apr, 2021 - 12:50

What kind of friend are you? What kind of friend would you like to be?

Is there any limitation to the heights that faithful friendship can reach?

Explore the possibilities of friendship with brothers and sisters in the sangha, through looking at traditional understandings of friendship in society and the spiritual life.

We will draw primarily on The Duties of Brotherhood in Islam seminar, with supporting material from the seminar on the Sigalavada Sutta. Both texts were studied by Sangharakshita in 1983. With The Duties of Brotherhood in Islam, he took...

Community Highlights
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

The Dawning Moon of Mind: Study Seminars with Nagabodhi

By Centre Team on Mon, 5 Apr, 2021 - 11:46

The Dawning Moon of Mind: Study Seminars with Nagabodhi

By Centre Team on Mon, 5 Apr, 2021 - 11:46

The Dawning Moon of Mind: A series of study seminars with Nagabodhi and other members of the College of Public Preceptors.

For Order Members and Triratna Mitras. 

Sundays 18th April & 16th May

USA PST 10:30 | México 12:30 | USA EST 13:30 | IE &UK 18:30 | Europe CET 19:30

The event starts with a 30-minute meditation then the 2-hour seminar (with a short comfort break)

Reserve a place on this seminar

What is life for?
Why not live...

Community Highlights
Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre

Online Weekend: The Tree, the Snake and the Goddess

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 23 Mar, 2021 - 16:41

Online Weekend: The Tree, the Snake and the Goddess

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 23 Mar, 2021 - 16:41

April 16-18

Exploring the Buddha’s relationship with nature: a study practice weekend with Dhivan

The teaching of the Buddha is practical and concerned with the ending of dukkha or suffering. But the life-story of the Buddha shows him becoming Awakened at the foot of the Bodhi tree, encouraged and sheltered by the nāgas or mythical snakes, and having defeated Māra with the help of the Earth Goddess. These symbols of tree, snake and goddess tell us something on the level of myth...

Community Highlights
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Individuality: Self-Contained and Boundless (Online Order/Mitra event from Adhisthana)

By shubhavyuha on Thu, 14 Jan, 2021 - 12:48

Individuality: Self-Contained and Boundless (Online Order/Mitra event from Adhisthana)

By shubhavyuha on Thu, 14 Jan, 2021 - 12:48

Individuality: Self-Contained and Boundless (Online Order/Mitra event from Adhisthana)
Led by Ratnaguna and Saddhanandi
17-21 February

Am I an individual, or just part of the group?

This is a question we need to keep trying to penetrate more deeply whether we are a Mitra or an Order member. It is a question that is central to the development of a saṅgha, a spiritual community, no individuals, no saṅgha. Any consideration of what the saṅgha is must therefore include as full an understanding as...
