Triratna News
Triratna News

South America's first Going for Refuge retreat

By Munisha on Wed, 3 May, 2017 - 11:23

South America's first Going for Refuge retreat

By Munisha on Wed, 3 May, 2017 - 11:23

This Easter, South America saw its first ever Going for Refuge retreat (for those training to be ordained in Triratna), in the Venezuelan Andes, outside the city of Mérida.

Triratna activities in Venezuela began in the early 1990s although the Centre has received very limited support and input from the wider sangha until quite recently.  The Centre currently boasts more than 20 mitras, 13 of whom have asked for ordination.

While six men Mitras were on their first Going for Refuge retreat on home...

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Dharmabyte: Living Dharma in South Africa

By Rijupatha on Thu, 18 Dec, 2014 - 13:15
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Another talk in our exploration of Insight, today’s FBA Dharmabyte from Dhammamegha entitled “Living Dharma in South Africa” was the second talk in a panel called “Spreading the Dharma as a Path to Insight”, given at the European Combined Order Convention held at Wymondham College on 23 August 2014.
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Afrikaans Triratna Threefold Puja Read by Acalaraja

By Candradasa on Mon, 15 Apr, 2013 - 12:43
There’s something about hearing a familiar text in a language other than your own that can be quite arresting. Words you can feel the meaning in even though you don’t, exactly, ‘understand’; words shared between people and also between peoples: across cultures, beyond language. Here’s Achalavajra with one of the first fruits of the Afrikaans translation initiative reading the Threefold Puja (the English version of the text can be found here). Wonderful sound, wonderful shared sense…

The Threefold Puja in Afrikaans

By lokabandhu on Mon, 8 Apr, 2013 - 18:54

Here’s a great translation of The Threefold PujaDie Drievoudige Puja – into Afrikaans.

It’s part of the much wider Triratna Translations project. For more translations please see the Afrikaans Translations page at; and for more languages, see the main Triratna Translations page at

Could you help us translate basic texts and ceremonies into the languages of the world? If so, please email us at int.triratna.translations.board [at]...