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Tag: self-transcendence

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: On The Paving Sprinkled with Perfume

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 27 Dec, 2018 - 11:00

Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is called On The Paving Sprinkled with Perfume by Samantabhadri excerpted from the talk: Ritual, A Path to Truth and Self Transcendence.

Speaking at Nottingham Buddhist centre, Samantabhadri gives a keynote talk on ritual and its place and potential within the Triratna Community. She explores ritual as personal experience and in relation to going beyond a fixed self, to the collective, to the imagination, to compassion and...

Dublin Buddhist Centre
Dublin Buddhist Centre

A New Life In An Ancient Tradition

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 16 Oct, 2018 - 12:50

Subhadramati is the president of the Dublin Buddhist Centre and also a Public Preceptor, one of the few men and women who make the final decision on who joins the Triratna Buddhist Order.

She has recently returned from leading a three month ordination course in Spain, during which she ordained nine women as their Public Preceptor.

In this interview with Jnanadhara, she reflects on the significance of ordination in the Buddhist tradition, her own experience of...