Tag: Sangharakshita death

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

From Janos Orsos, a Dhammamitra in Hungary

By jyotika on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 12:12

From Janos Orsos, a Dhammamitra in Hungary

By jyotika on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 12:12

The following tribute is from Janos Orsos, who is a Dhammamitra in Hungary. He is a Roma/Gypsy. He has been pivotal in the establishment of the Jai Bhim Network, a Buddhist community in the country, and, along with a number of others, has set up the Dr Ambedkar High School, which educates Roma/Gypsy children.

“Bhante was a hero, a saint, and he will remain so in the hearts of many, many people. I’ve no doubt that he is now happy and at

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Lion's Roar marks Sangharakshita's passing

By Munisha on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 17:39

Lion's Roar marks Sangharakshita's passing

By Munisha on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 17:39

North American Dharma magazine Lion’s Roar has covered the news of Bhante’s death in this article.

Read all ‘Voices from the Buddhist world’ posts.

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Voices from the Buddhist world 3: Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Community, Germany

By Munisha on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 16:26

Voices from the Buddhist world 3: Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Community, Germany

By Munisha on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 16:26

The latest in our series of messages of condolence and appreciation from Buddhists in other traditions, in German and below in English is a message from the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Community, Germany.

Liebe Freunde im Dharma, 

Heute erfuhren wir, dass Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita in die grosse Verwandlung eingegangen ist. Wir möchten Euch unsere Anteilnahme zu diesem Verlust eines großen und wunderbaren Dharma Lehrers aussprechen. Seine Lehre und sein Werk wird in Euch weiterleben und den Menschen die Lehre...

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Tricycle magazine reports Bhante's death

By Munisha on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 15:18

Tricycle magazine reports Bhante's death

By Munisha on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 15:18

Sangharakshita’s passing was marked yesterday in an article on the website of the American Buddhist magazine Tricycle.

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Voices from the Buddhist world 2: European Buddhist Union

By Munisha on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 23:24

Voices from the Buddhist world 2: European Buddhist Union

By Munisha on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 23:24

Continuing our series of messages of condolence from Buddhists beyond Triratna, here is a post from the Facebook page of the European Buddhist Union, of which Triratna has been an active member for many years.

“The EBU would like to express heartfelt condolences to the Triratna community, for the death of the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and the Triratna Buddhist Community.

Sangharakshita, who has passed away at the age of 93, was one of...

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Sangharakshita on BBC Radio 4's 'Sunday' programme

By Munisha on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 13:59

Sangharakshita on BBC Radio 4's 'Sunday' programme

By Munisha on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 13:59

On Sunday 4th November, BBC national radio marked Sangharakshita’s passing with an interview with Vishvapani on Radio Four’s weekly religious news programme, ‘Sunday’.

Listen to the interview, anywhere in the world. It starts at 12” 35’.

This coming Friday, Vishvapani will discuss Bhante’s life and work on BBC Radio Four’s obituary programme, ‘Last Word’.

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Voices from the Buddhist world 1: Lama Ganchen, Italy

By Munisha on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 05:38

Voices from the Buddhist world 1: Lama Ganchen, Italy

By Munisha on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 05:38

As news of Bhante’s death has spread, we’ve been receiving messages of condolence from Buddhist leaders in other traditions. I’ll be posting a few, day by day, starting with this message from Italy.

“To The Triratna Buddhist Order and Community,

The Kunpen Lama Gangchen Association and its members would like to express heartfelt condolences to the Triratna community, for the death of the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and the Triratna Buddhist Community. Ven. Sangharakshita was one of the major figures for the...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Urgyen Sangharakshita 1925-2018

By Munisha on Tue, 30 Oct, 2018 - 11:27

Urgyen Sangharakshita 1925-2018

By Munisha on Tue, 30 Oct, 2018 - 11:27

With great sadness we inform you of the passing away of Urgyen Sangharakshita, today, 30th October 2018, at approximately 10 am in Hereford Hospital. He had been diagnosed with pneumonia and this morning the consultant said that he also had sepsis, from which recovery was not possible. 

Please join with us as we direct our metta towards Bhante, recollecting his wonderful qualities and remembering with gratitude all that he has given to so many of us. Local Centres around the world may...
