European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Munisha's Safeguarding talk to the European Buddhist Union 2018

By Munisha on Sun, 21 Oct, 2018 - 09:42

Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly employs me both as Triratna’s ‘Liaison officer’, responsible for co-operation with other Buddhist traditions, mainly in Europe. In that capacity I attend meetings of the European Buddhist Union and the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK.

+Follow this work at Triratna in the Buddhist World on TBCO.

As I am also Triratna’s overall Safeguarding officer, I gave a talk at the September 2018 meeting of the European Buddhist Union at Adhisthana, explaining the...

Triratna News
Triratna News

European Buddhists gather at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:51

European Buddhists gather at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:51

The last weekend in September saw the annual gathering of the European Buddhist Union (EBU), this year hosted by Triratna at Adhisthana, followed as always by the annual meeting of the Buddhist Teachers in Europe (BTE).

For the EBU meeting, around 30 people from national Buddhist unions and individual Buddhist traditions across Europe, and including some young Buddhist guests, spent three days together, concentrating on two topics: 1) Young Buddhists and 2) preventing abuse in...

Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World

European Buddhist Union weekend at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:58

European Buddhist Union weekend at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:58

The last weekend in September saw the annual gathering of the European Buddhist Union (EBU), this year hosted by Triratna at Adhisthana. This was followed as always by the annual meeting of the group, Buddhist Teachers in Europe (BTE). Both were enormously successful meetings in terms of the working atmosphere and topics, and people’s enjoyment of each other and their surroundings. (I attend both each year, in my capacity as Triratna’s Liaison officer, looking after...

Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World

Triratna Safeguarding talk at the German Buddhist Union

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:10

Triratna Safeguarding talk at the German Buddhist Union

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:10

I’d like to report briefly on a visit to the German Buddhist Union (DBU) annual meeting in April this year – with apologies for the considerable lateness of this report.

The Diamond Way Sangha, at their wonderful lakeside Europe Centre in Bavaria, were wonderful hosts to around 50 representatives from various Buddhist traditions in Germany, including Triratna’s Vidyagita and Karunada. Their theme being ethics in sanghas, I was invited to address them on the topic...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #7 Triratna and the Internet

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 27 Jul, 2018 - 10:59

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #7 Triratna and the Internet

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 27 Jul, 2018 - 10:59

“Media used to be one way. Everyone else in the world just had to listen. Now the internet is allowing what used to be a monologue to become a dialogue. I think that’s healthy”. - Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

“I have one major problem with the internet: it’s full of liars” - John Lydon.

As long as the world wide web has been in mainstream use, debates about the pros and cons of “The Internet” have bubbled - sometimes raged - away. On the one...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna Safeguarding policies and Ethical guidelines 2018

By Munisha on Thu, 24 May, 2018 - 14:56

Continuing work begun in 2013, Triratna’s Ethics kula and Safeguarding team present the 2018 updated model Ethical guidelines and model policies for Safeguarding children and adults in Triratna.

The Ethical guidelines are an internal statement of our values, complementing our model Safeguarding documents, which follow national requirements of charities in England and Wales.

These documents are made available to every Triratna Centre and Group, to use as the basis for their own documents.

Further documents are in development, concerning, for example: disability; bullying and harassment; the Safeguarding of...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Meet the new Triratna Safeguarding team

By Munisha on Wed, 8 Nov, 2017 - 18:21

Meet the new Triratna Safeguarding team

By Munisha on Wed, 8 Nov, 2017 - 18:21

Safeguarding work in Triratna, in progress since 2013, has developed enormously in the last three months. As the overall Safeguarding officer (Munisha) I’d like to bring you up to date.

Training On 4th October, around 30 Safeguarding officers and trustees from Triratna centres across the UK, and Saddhaloka (Chair of Triratna’s College of Public Preceptors), gathered at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre for our second training day. After last year’s training in child protection, this year we worked on ‘Safeguarding adults’ with the help of an...

Orden i Sverige
Orden i Sverige

Adhisthana Kula: an update on their work

By Munisha on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 14:36

Adhisthana Kula: an update on their work

By Munisha on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 14:36

Hej vänner!

Last month the Adhisthana Kula published an update on their work to resolve controversial aspects of Triratna’s past. This is a public post, so you can share it with Mitras and Friends if you think it would be helpful to them.…

Kram, Munisha

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Adults at risk/Vulnerable adults training event

By Munisha on Mon, 21 Aug, 2017 - 13:32

Adults at risk/Vulnerable adults training event

By Munisha on Mon, 21 Aug, 2017 - 13:32

Booking now open for a half day training event for Triratna Safeguarding officers and trustees in the UK and Ireland, helping us all develop our understanding of the definition of ”Adults at risk’ previously known as ‘Vulnerable adults’.

Wednesday 4th October 2017
Birmingham Buddhist Centre 
12 noon bring your own lunch
1pm-4pm training with an external trainer from the CCPAS

Bookings by email to 
munisha [at]

Who can attend?
This is an event for Order members...

Triratna News
Triratna News

UK and Ireland Order weekend: "A rich and many splendored thing"

By Munisha on Mon, 21 Aug, 2017 - 13:01

UK and Ireland Order weekend: "A rich and many splendored thing"

By Munisha on Mon, 21 Aug, 2017 - 13:01

Three hundred and fifty or so members of the Triratna Buddhist Order have been meeting at Adhisthana, UK. This summer’s UK and Ireland Order weekend included women and men from countries including Sweden, France, Spain, India, Belgium, Mexico and Venezuela, supported by an international mitra team.

The weekend had three emphases:
1. Extending outwards
2. Going deeper
3. Learning from the past

Extending outwards The Order’s symbol is the thousand-armed...
