College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Introducing the March 2016 Preceptors' College meeting

By Saccanama on Wed, 9 Mar, 2016 - 12:03

Saddhaloka, Paramabandhu and Ratnadharini introduce the meeting, talking about ordinations and ordination courses, sadhana, and new members of the Preceptors’ College.

Two days of the meeting are devoted to meetings of the various kulas of the College. Currently there are the following kulas -

Indian Kula (not present at this meeting but all 8 of them were here for the November 2015 meeting) - Subhuti Yashosagar, Amrutdeep, Jnanasuri, Karunamaya, Chandrashil, Amoghasiddhi and Adityabodhi.

Men’s ‘Padmaloka’ Kula - Padmavajra, Satyaraja, Surata, Arthapriya, Paramabandhu, Moksananda and Maitreyabandhu.

Men’s ‘non-UK’ Kula -...

Sydney Buddhist Centre
Sydney Buddhist Centre

Sydney Buddhist Centre on Soundcloud

By Bodhidasa on Tue, 9 Sep, 2014 - 00:32
You can hear the talks you missed here at our new place on Soundcloud.
The SoundCloud content at is not available, or it is set to private.