Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Varadhi

By Centre Team on Mon, 8 Mar, 2021 - 08:04

International Women's Day 2021: Varadhi

By Centre Team on Mon, 8 Mar, 2021 - 08:04

To celebrate International Women’s Day we are sharing stories from women in the Triratna Buddhist Order. We’re hearing from women around the world, in a number of different contexts, sharing what the last year has been like for them, since the global coronavirus pandemic began.

“Hi! My name is Varadhi. I was privately ordained at my Private Preceptors shrine room in greater Sydney and publicly ordained in my friend and next-door neighbours’ shrine room in Melbourne, Australia. I...


Order Seminars May 2021

By vajratara on Tue, 9 Feb, 2021 - 15:21

Order Seminars May 2021

By vajratara on Tue, 9 Feb, 2021 - 15:21

Following on from our popular 2020 online events for dharmacharinis, three Order seminars offered by the Tiratanaloka team in 2021 will explore the following areas:

1 May: How to assess effective Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels, including looking at the 8 Guidelines recently published by the College of Public Preceptors

2 May: How we can form effective ordination kulas

3 May: How we can support the local ordination process, looking at the specific situation of your Centre.

There will be a short presentation, time to share our experiences, workshops, and...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Public ordination at Chintamani, Mexico

By Sadayasihi on Sun, 17 Jan, 2021 - 08:59

Public ordination at Chintamani, Mexico

By Sadayasihi on Sun, 17 Jan, 2021 - 08:59

We are delighted to announce that ex-Paul Klein of Cuernavaca, Mexico was publicly ordained on Saturday, January 16 and given the name Moksharati, he who delights in liberation.

His Public Preceptor is Virasiddhi and his Private Preceptor is Nagapriya.

You can re-watch the live stream of the public ordination here.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordination Training Online during Covid-19

By akasajoti on Fri, 29 May, 2020 - 11:48

Ordination Training Online during Covid-19

By akasajoti on Fri, 29 May, 2020 - 11:48

This is a non-comprehensive gathering up of some of the provisions being made for ordination training online around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. If you want to share other information to be included or ask a question, you can do so collegeassistant [at] (subject: Ordination%20Training%20Online) (here).

(Updated 30 May)

At Tiratanaloka, UK:

The team at Tiratanaloka have been providing online study weeks, guided Prostration Practice every weekday afternoon on Zoom, as well as continuing personal communication...


Thinking of asking for ordination?

By vajratara on Thu, 7 May, 2020 - 15:41

Thinking of asking for ordination?

By vajratara on Thu, 7 May, 2020 - 15:41

The response of many people during the Coronavirus pandemic has been to want to help very practically by supporting the NHS, our friends and neighbours, and to want to deepen our Dharma practice, enabling us to better emotionally respond to the difficulties that arise. Some of us are thinking about the future, to how the pandemic will effect long term societal change. What part does the Tiratana Buddhist Order play in this? Why have an Order at all? How...

Community Highlights
London Buddhist Centre

Coffee with Sthiramanas

By Ksantikara on Fri, 10 Apr, 2020 - 10:58

Coffee with Sthiramanas

By Ksantikara on Fri, 10 Apr, 2020 - 10:58

Hosted by Prajnamanas | Sun 12 Apr at 11am

Sthiramanas’ public ordination was streamed live onto YouTube on Sunday 5th April. Now, one week on, he sits down with his friend Prajnamanas to talk informally about the experience of that day and how the new name is settling in.

So make yourself a coffee (or tea!) and join them live on the London Buddhist Centre’s YouTube channel this Sunday. It will be a...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordination at the London Buddhist Centre

By Paramabandhu on Tue, 7 Apr, 2020 - 11:01

Ordination at the London Buddhist Centre

By Paramabandhu on Tue, 7 Apr, 2020 - 11:01

Dear friends,

I am very happy to announce the public ordination of ex-Gus Miller took place on Sunday 5th of April at the London Buddhist Centre. The ordination was not public, but was live-streamed. You can see it here.

Gus becomes Sthiramanas, a Sansksrit name meaning Steadfast Mind.

Maitreyabandhu was his private preceptor and I was his public preceptor.

With metta,


College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

By akasajoti on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 22:04

Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

By akasajoti on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 22:04

Dear Order members,

We are delighted to announce that Itir Binay from Melbourne, Australia was publicly ordained in Melbourne on Saturday 28th March, 2020.

Ex-Itir becomes Varadhī (last letter long i). Name meaning: She who has the highest wisdom. Westernised spelling: Varadhi

Public Preceptor: Maitripala
Private Preceptor: Chittaprabha

The ceremony was witnessed by over 100 members of our Sangha live on zoom. Here is the link of the recording which ends with a beautiful wave of sadhus around the world.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

With metta,


Triratna News
Triratna News

Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 21:57

Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 21:57

We are delighted to announce that Itir Binay from Melbourne, Australia was publicly ordained in Melbourne on Saturday 28th March, 2020.

Ex-Itir becomes Varadhī. Her name means ”She who has the highest wisdom”. (Westernised spelling: Varadhi). Her Public Preceptor is Maitripala and her Private Preceptor is Chittaprabha.

The ceremony was witnessed by over 100 members of the Melbourne Sangha live on Zoom. You can watch a recording of the ceremony here which ends with a beautiful wave of sadhus around the world.


College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

A forthcoming Public Ordination in Melbourne

By maitripala on Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 - 11:10

A forthcoming Public Ordination in Melbourne

By maitripala on Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 - 11:10

Dear Order Members,

I plan to conduct a Public Ordination for Itir Binay on Saturday 28th March at 6.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

The ceremony will take place at the Three Cords Buddhist community (named by Bhante Sangharakshita) in Melbourne, Australia.

Chittaprabha privately ordained Itir on Thursday 12th March in NSW Australia.

In this extraordinary situation the ceremony will be attended by two Order members from the community. A large number of invited sangha and Order Members will witness the ceremony on Zoom.

We hope to be able to record...
