Following on from our popular 2020 online events for dharmacharinis, three Order seminars offered by the Tiratanaloka team in 2021 will explore the following areas:
1 May: How to assess effective Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels, including looking at the 8 Guidelines recently published by the College of Public Preceptors
2 May: How we can form effective ordination kulas
3 May: How we can support the local ordination process, looking at the specific situation of your Centre.
There will be a short presentation, time to share our experiences, workshops, and smaller discussion groups.
What is joy in the garden of the Dharma? It is the joy of guarding the bodhicitta, of ripening living beings.
The online Order seminars will run on consecutive days and we are offering them on a dana basis. Each seminar will run from 10.30 until 1pm.
Book online for individual seminars. Essential support for all Dharmacharinis involved in the Ordination process!