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Triratna News
Triratna News

Manchester Buddhist Centre: 20 years in Turner Street

By Munisha on Wed, 17 Aug, 2016 - 15:27

Manchester Buddhist Centre: 20 years in Turner Street

By Munisha on Wed, 17 Aug, 2016 - 15:27

Manchester Buddhist Centre (UK) recently marked 20 years in its current home, formerly a Victorian cotton warehouse. Clear Vision’s latest NewsByte video covers the celebrations, some history and the plans for remodelling the ground floor of this wonderful building, including better disabled access. (7.5 minutes)

Opened by Sangharakshita on 13th July 1996 after two years of very hard building work by the sangha, it has been home to Clear Vision, Breathworks, Earth Café and Bodywise Natural Health Centre.

Among the many who...

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Manchester Buddhist Centre celebrates 20 years

By Amaradaya on Thu, 11 Aug, 2016 - 13:06

Manchester Buddhist Centre celebrates 20 years

By Amaradaya on Thu, 11 Aug, 2016 - 13:06

Triratna’s Manchester sangha celebrates 20 years of in its Victorian warehouse building in the city’s formerly derelict Northern Quarter. We look back at the centre’s history.

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Taravandana - Bringing Out the Best in Us - Friendship in the Spiritual Life

By Amaradaya on Mon, 3 Aug, 2015 - 12:16

Taravandana - Bringing Out the Best in Us - Friendship in the Spiritual Life

By Amaradaya on Mon, 3 Aug, 2015 - 12:16

Taravandana gives a workshop (a talk with pauses for discusssion) for International Women’s Day 2015 at the Manchester Buddhist Centre.

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Singhashri - Misogyny and the Potential of Women in Buddhism

By Amaradaya on Mon, 3 Aug, 2015 - 12:13

Singhashri - Misogyny and the Potential of Women in Buddhism

By Amaradaya on Mon, 3 Aug, 2015 - 12:13

Singhashri gives a talk on the potential of women in Buddhism, and how our practice can help us move from anger to clarity in response to misogyny and sexism. Talk given for International Women’s Day, Manchester Buddhist Centre, 7th March 2015.

Please watch also the introductory talk Munisha gave first in the same series of talks, What is a Woman?

Although Singhashri says that Sangharakshita has suggested that women “are less likely to develop spiritually than men”, she acknowledges that he has never said precisely...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

NewsByte 3, part 6

By Munisha on Thu, 18 Jun, 2015 - 13:40

NewsByte 3, part 6

By Munisha on Thu, 18 Jun, 2015 - 13:40

The 6th and final part of Clear Vision’s third NewsByte, rounding up news from around Triratna, in which we see Amitasuri at work as a Buddhist hospital chaplain in Manchester (8.5 minutes).

Watch the full 6-story NewsByte compilation (55 minutes).

NewsByte is commissioned by Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly. Clear Vision is Triratna’s video project in Manchester UK, making Triratna video old and new available at VideoSangha.

+Follow Clear Vision on The Buddhist Centre Online.
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Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Womens Karuna Appeal, Manchester

By Amaradaya on Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 - 16:14

Womens Karuna Appeal, Manchester

By Amaradaya on Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 - 16:14Here is a short clip from NewsByte 2, which is available to watch now on thebuddhistcentre.com and videosangha.net
Triratna News
Triratna News

Buddhism and the Big Questions - ongoing talk series draws crowds in Manchester

By lokabandhu on Fri, 5 Aug, 2011 - 06:00

Buddhism and the Big Questions - ongoing talk series draws crowds in Manchester

By lokabandhu on Fri, 5 Aug, 2011 - 06:00Triratna Manchester’s Buddhist Centre is currently half-way through a major series of talks entitled ‘Buddhism and the Big Questions’.

Speakers and topics have included -

Vajragupta on We Live in a Beautiful World: Buddhism and Nature

Ratnaguna on Stop buying stuff and learn how to be happy instead

Kavyasiddhi on ‘All in this together — is it time for a Buddhist economics?’

Mahashraddha on Searching for truth:...