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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Growing Very Deep Roots in the Sky

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 3 May, 2021 - 06:00

Kuladharini reflects on the life of the sangha at the start of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre’s annual rainy season retreat. Here she explores the cosmic and mythic significance in their current work and their approaching going forth from the city premises they have been teaching from for almost 50 years.

Excerpted from the talk of the same title, Growing Very Deep Roots In the Sky, 2021.

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FBA Podcast: Visibility

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 14 Nov, 2020 - 05:10

Kuladharini explores what it’s like to be an example of the fourth sight in the world, to be a visible embodiment of dharma practice. Using the metaphors of the begging bowl, robes and shaved head she shares three ways in which she has gone forth as a visible example of a dharma farer.

Talk given at Glasgow Buddhist Centre, 2009.

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