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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Individualism, Materialism and the Challenges of the Dharma

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 18 Dec, 2021 - 06:00

After exploring the relationship between the transcendental (lokuttara) and historical time, Saccanama looks at the challenges facing us at this particular point in history. Individualism and materialism present challenges both to our society and to our practice of the Dharma. Put them together and we have a form of capitalism which is so dominant that it becomes impossible to imagine any other system. Set against this, the Dharma is always challenging.

This talk is part of the series ...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Shining the Infinite Light of Wisdom

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 21 Nov, 2020 - 06:00

The social and political landscape is changing. Societies are, on the one hand, fragmenting whilst, on the other, unifying within a growing culture of consumerism and individualism. How can we create a community that is unified and diverse, exemplifying real values and being a force for good in the world? Suryagupta, current chair of the London Buddhist Centre, inspires us all to shine the light of the Dharma in the world.

This keynote talk was given to launch the year...

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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Sangha as the Way to the End of Dukkha

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 4 Apr, 2020 - 14:00

Instead of the traditional description of the Fourth Noble Truth - the Eightfold Path - Saccanama  explores Sangha as a means to counter the individualism of our times. What exactly is the true meaning of Sangha? And how can the mysterious ‘third order of consciousness’ or Bodhicitta help us to transcend our preoccupation with ourselves? He looks at three stories from Buddhist tradition that explore the true meaning of Sangha - the Anuruddhas, the Pure Land and the...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Overcoming Spiritual Individualism

By Rijupatha on Wed, 16 Jul, 2014 - 18:51
Wide open is the door of the deathless! Let those who are prepared to listen, put forth their faith! Our FBA Dharmabyte today, “Overcoming Spiritual Individualism,” is an excerpt from “The Buddha’s Victory”, by Sangharakshita.

Given on the full moon in May celebrating the anniversary of the Buddha’s Enlightenment and his victory over the demon Mara. Here, Sangharakshita describes how the Buddha, following his full and perfect Enlightenment, interacts...