Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Mental Health Resources

By mokshini on Tue, 22 Nov, 2016 - 18:04

Mental Health First Aid

Firstly, see a mental health aid website

This, in the words of the site, “…is the initial help given to someone experiencing a mental health problem before professional help is sought.”

There is information about “first aid strategies” for responding to people having panic attacks, or who are suicidal, or other mental health problems.

The site also points you to places where you can get mental health first aid training – including England, Scotland, Finland and some other countries. It looks...

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Hearing loss advice for Buddhist Centres

By jnanamitra on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 17:18

Hearing loss advice for Buddhist Centres – a paper prepared by Jnanamitra.

I have also added some info supplied by Satyadakini from the Croydon Sangha 

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Amitasuri on Buddhist Chaplaincy

By Candradasa on Wed, 10 Dec, 2014 - 17:27
A wonderful conversation with Amitasuri who has overcome huge health difficulties to train and work as a Buddhist Chaplain in the UK. Her passion for the vocational side of chaplaincy is inspiring and infectious, and it’s moving to hear how her own situation has allowed her to be present - truly present - with people suffering greatly, and to make a difference in that way.

Find out more about Buddhist Chaplaincy in the UK

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Jewel in the Cabbage by Vimalabandhu - Free eBook!

The Jewel in the Cabbage by Vimalabandhu - Free eBook!

By Candradasa on Wed, 3 Apr, 2013 - 21:17Here’s a new version of the much-loved book ‘The Jewel in the Cabbage’ by Vimalabandhu, long-time Buddhist chef. Sub-titled “Cooking with Metaphors”, it’s a meditation on vegan cooking both delightful and profound. And Vimalabandhu is generously making it available for free as an eBook!

All proceeds from sales of the paperback edition will help resource the new ‘Triratna Vegans’ project. Click here to get it for only £3.99! ($6).