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In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, Stories to Orientate our Psyche, Ratnaghosha shares how stories are the primary way in which the imagination orients our psyche. Listen to Ratnaghosha’s telling of this most famous story in the life of the Buddha – his going forth. This talk was given to launch the new Sangha Night at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.
Here’s a print-friendly version of Kamalashila’s essay on the history and relevance of Buddhafield within the wider Triratna Community and Buddhist tradition itself.
By Candradasa on Sun, 19 May, 2013 - 15:57Kamalashila has been the President of Buddhafield since the 1990s, taking part in the community in many ways and generally being a strong friend to the whole project. Here he updates his sense of Buddhafield’s distinct place in and contribution to the Triratna Buddhist Commmunity. A good place to start in learning about this remarkable development within the world of contemporary Buddhism.