
A Dharma Toolkit for Uncertain Times (One World, One Sangha)

By Liz_Bassett on Tue, 19 Oct, 2021 - 05:00

A Dharma Toolkit for Uncertain Times (One World, One Sangha)

By Liz_Bassett on Tue, 19 Oct, 2021 - 05:00

When the pandemic hit in spring 2020 many of us went into immediate lockdowns. As our local Buddhist Centres were forced to close their doors many worked with tremendous resource and ingenuity to move their sanghas online. It really was incredible to see.

The Buddhist Centre Online team responded with a gift to our Sangha in the form of the Dharma Toolkit for Uncertain Times. This almost magical resource of podcasts, talks, retreats, courses, and live meditation sessions...


Future Dharma Renewed! (The Buddhist Centre Podcast, Episode 423)

By Candradasa on Sun, 17 Oct, 2021 - 23:59

A full Dharma life: you can come to it from anywhere, and it will lead you in unimagined ways… From the investment banking hothouses of the City of London, to visionary experiences in a field with Green Tara and the Chemical Brothers at the Glastonbury Festival, here are stories told by a team of people dedicating their work to setting up conditions for a future where the great hope of the Buddhist path is available to all.


Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

One World, One Sangha: FutureDharma and The Buddhist Centre Online

By Candradasa on Sun, 17 Oct, 2021 - 23:57

One World, One Sangha: FutureDharma and The Buddhist Centre Online

By Candradasa on Sun, 17 Oct, 2021 - 23:57

The Buddhist Centre Online will be ten years old at the end of 2022. It’s been an amazing journey building an online platform for Triratna—and FutureDharma has been with us all the way.

So I’m delighted to welcome the FutureDharma team to the site for a special focus on their renewing vision. Over the next two weeks you’ll be hearing about the best of their work and their plans for the next few years, that will help bring the Dharma to tens of thousands...

Mid Essex Buddhist Centre
Mid Essex Buddhist Centre

Raising funds to buy our own Buddhist Centre

By Davidrey on Tue, 10 Aug, 2021 - 09:56

Raising funds to buy our own Buddhist Centre

By Davidrey on Tue, 10 Aug, 2021 - 09:56

After 5 years in rented buildings that we have now outgrown, we are planning a secure home for our community in our own property. We are almost in a position to go ahead with buying a Centre. We are still short of funds to secure a property.

We have a Just Giving Page to collect the remaining funds and we would be grateful if you could share this page as wide as you can. Thank you

Read our full story and donate on our...

West London Buddhist Centre
West London Buddhist Centre

Gala Night: Performances from Padmamati, Jonathan Cohen and others

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Tue, 2 Mar, 2021 - 10:59

Gala Night: Performances from Padmamati, Jonathan Cohen and others

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Tue, 2 Mar, 2021 - 10:59

Hello friends,

Due to the popularity of the WLBC’s Poetry Evening recently, we are inviting you all once more to our Precious Jewel fundraising finale on Friday 12 March, 7-9.30pm! There will be storytelling from Padmamati (Stephen Coates), music and words from Jonathan Cohen and a reading of poetic extracts from the writings of Jinananda – and much more!

No booking needed, just turn up: https://westlondonbuddhistcentre.com/event/precious-jewel-gala-night-per…

Triratna News
Triratna News

The Rote Burg – A new retreat centre for the Berlin Sangha and beyond

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 9 Feb, 2021 - 09:58

The Rote Burg – A new retreat centre for the Berlin Sangha and beyond

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 9 Feb, 2021 - 09:58

In the middle of a nature park surrounded by meadows and lakes, only 60 kilometres north of Berlin, lies the so-called “Rote Burg“ (Red Castle): two old Ziegler buildings with about 850 square metres of floor space and surrounded by 37,000 square metres of meadows and oak forest.

In July 2020, Aryabandhu, Chairman of the Berlin Buddhist Centre, signed the purchase contract for the Rote Burg. This step was preceded by more than two years of intensive...

West London Buddhist Centre
West London Buddhist Centre

Sangha Lights: An Exhibition by WLBC Visual Artists

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 - 17:03

Sangha Lights: An Exhibition by WLBC Visual Artists

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 - 17:03

Friday January 29th 2021, 7-9pm
Fundraiser for The Precious Jewel Appeal

An online exhibition in celebration of just some of the many talented visual artists in the WLBC sangha. Photographs from Viramati, paintings from Amitajyoti and John Webb (of the Ealing sangha), paper cuts from Manth Beeson. As we view their beautiful images through the magic of Zoom, each artist will introduce their work and answer your questions. There may even be a tour of one painter’s art-hung house! Showings too...

Karuna Fundraisers
Karuna Fundraisers

£500,000 Target Reached - Coronavirus Crisis Appeal Update

By Karuna on Fri, 20 Nov, 2020 - 17:18

£500,000 Target Reached - Coronavirus Crisis Appeal Update

By Karuna on Fri, 20 Nov, 2020 - 17:18

I am delighted to announce that, thanks to all our supporters, we have beaten our Coronavirus Crisis Appeal target of £500,000!

Thank you to everyone who got involved. To see the very real impact donations have already had, please watch the short video.

These are just a few of the thousands of people we’ve already reached with emergency supplies and will continue to support. 

Still more have received educational support while schools are shut, livelihood training while jobs are sparse, and health supplies to keep their families safe during this crisis. Thanks again...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Fundraising for å book on sustainability and mindfulness from a buddhist perspective

By gunaketu on Wed, 4 Nov, 2020 - 12:40

Fundraising for å book on sustainability and mindfulness from a buddhist perspective

By gunaketu on Wed, 4 Nov, 2020 - 12:40

I am Gunaketu and I am inspired to do more to help build “a new society” - based on truthfulness and sustainability - so very much in demand these days!

After helping build the Manchester Buddhist Centre I started the Oslo Buddhistsenter in 2000 which is now a thriving little centre with 9 men and women preparing for ordination.

To help promote social and ecological sustainability I want to write a doctorial thesis and a book. It will combine six articles already published and compare...

West London Buddhist Centre
West London Buddhist Centre

Dharmavadana's White Lotus Sutra-thon Fundraiser for WLBC

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Thu, 22 Oct, 2020 - 14:04

Dharmavadana's White Lotus Sutra-thon Fundraiser for WLBC

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Thu, 22 Oct, 2020 - 14:04

Saturday 31 October 7pm – Sunday 1 November 11am

    The Buddha has preached the rare Law

    Never heard by us before.

As the first event in the Centre’s new fundraising campaign, Dharmavadana will be reading the entire White Lotus Sutra aloud, live, overnight on Hallowe’en.

Please sponsor Dharmavanda generously!

Dharmavadana says: ‘The White Lotus Sutra, with its wonderful stories and powerful poetry, is one of my favourite sutras. Dating from between the first and second centuries CE, it is one of the most revered of all Mahayana...
