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Community Highlights

Buddhafield eBooks - Dhiramati: Myth, Poetry and the Goddess

Buddhafield eBooks - Dhiramati: Myth, Poetry and the Goddess

By Candradasa on Tue, 21 May, 2013 - 16:35An appropriately mythic start to affairs and to this series of Buddhafield eBooks beautifully produced by the textually heroic Lokabandhu…

Dhiramati delving into our deep pagan roots…

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Buddhafield - A New Going Forth by Kamalashila (eBook size)

Buddhafield - A New Going Forth by Kamalashila (eBook size)

By Candradasa on Sun, 19 May, 2013 - 15:57Kamalashila has been the President of Buddhafield since the 1990s, taking part in the community in many ways and generally being a strong friend to the whole project. Here he updates his sense of Buddhafield’s distinct place in and contribution to the Triratna Buddhist Commmunity. A good place to start in learning about this remarkable development within the world of contemporary Buddhism.

Download the print edition here
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Community Highlights

The Making of Seven Papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Fri, 12 Apr, 2013 - 22:27

The Making of Seven Papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Fri, 12 Apr, 2013 - 22:27If you haven’t seen it yet you can now get hold of a definitive collection of seven papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita, outlining and reaffirming the approach to the Dharma that underpins the Triratna Buddhist Community. It’s a rather magisterial undertaking, even by Subhuti’s standards, and worth celebrating as both an important source text for Triratna and as a spur to conversation and debate within the community at large.

Quite apart from all the sustained work that...
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Community Highlights

Seven Papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita

Seven Papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Fri, 12 Apr, 2013 - 21:52

To round off our ‘Triratna anniversaries’ week, here is the appropriately definitive complete set of seven papers by Subhuti and Sangharakshita, documenting their conversations over the past few years about the whole basis of our approach to the Dharma within the Triratna Buddhist Community.

In Subhuti’s words, each attempts to follow through the implications of Sangharakshita’s statement, in the first paper, What is the Western Buddhist Order?, that the Triratna Buddhist Order...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Jewel in the Cabbage by Vimalabandhu - Free eBook!

The Jewel in the Cabbage by Vimalabandhu - Free eBook!

By Candradasa on Wed, 3 Apr, 2013 - 21:17Here’s a new version of the much-loved book ‘The Jewel in the Cabbage’ by Vimalabandhu, long-time Buddhist chef. Sub-titled “Cooking with Metaphors”, it’s a meditation on vegan cooking both delightful and profound. And Vimalabandhu is generously making it available for free as an eBook!

All proceeds from sales of the paperback edition will help resource the new ‘Triratna Vegans’ project. Click here to get it for only £3.99! ($6).
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Community Highlights

Flame in Darkness (eBook) - The Life and Sayings of Anagarika Dharmapala by Sangharakshita

Flame in Darkness (eBook) - The Life and Sayings of Anagarika Dharmapala by Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Sun, 24 Feb, 2013 - 11:33What better way to mark our Indian month on the Buddhist Centre Online than to present this updated version of Sangharakshita’s classic book on the life and sayings of the great Indian teacher Anagarika Dharmapala, one of Sangharakshita’s choices for his ‘Great Buddhists of the Twentieth Century’ list? The perfect Dharma offering to mark the transition from our Triratna International Convention coverage to our week of happenings from the International Order Convention at ...
Triratna News
Triratna News

A Buddhist Manifesto

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:31

A Buddhist Manifesto

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:31News of an important new booklet by Subhuti, ‘A Buddhist Manifesto: The Principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community’. You can read it online, download the free eBook, or order an inexpensive printed copy today.

For the past couple of years, Subhuti has been re-exploring and re-clarifying with Sangharakshita the core principles of Buddhist practice as exemplified in the teaching and collective life of the Triratna...
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Community Highlights

A Buddhist Manifesto: The Principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community (PDF)

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:14
Here’s the downloadable eBook version of Subhuti’s important new booklet on the core principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community.

You can also buy an inexpensive paper copy if you’d like something for your bookshelf.
