Sydney Buddhist Centre
Sydney Buddhist Centre

In Memoriam - Dipankara

By Bodhidasa on Wed, 10 Jun, 2015 - 09:19

In Memoriam - Dipankara

By Bodhidasa on Wed, 10 Jun, 2015 - 09:19

Today, in two shrine rooms filled with sangha members, family and friends, we bade farewell to Dharmachari Dipankara who, along with Dharmamati and Buddhadasa, brought Bhante’s explication of the Dharma to Australia back in 1981. Without their efforts, and Dipankara’s fortitude in particular, there would not be a Sydney Buddhist Centre.

Dipankara had lain in state since Monday afternoon. During even the small hours of the morning he had not been alone - meditators sat by his side throughout the night, filled with gratitude and love...