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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Conversion of a Troll

By Zac on Mon, 14 Nov, 2022 - 06:00

Ratnaprabha is a brilliant storyteller. Here, he shares the Alavaka Sutta where an troll tries to trick the Buddha with a series of spiritual questions, which the Buddha answers with calmness and clarity, converting the troll to become a Dharmapala, a protector of the Dharma. 

From the full talk entitled The Story Hatthaka given at Stockholm Buddhist Centre, 2007, as part of a two-part series with the companion talk: ...

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Flame in Darkness (eBook) - The Life and Sayings of Anagarika Dharmapala by Sangharakshita

Flame in Darkness (eBook) - The Life and Sayings of Anagarika Dharmapala by Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Sun, 24 Feb, 2013 - 11:33What better way to mark our Indian month on the Buddhist Centre Online than to present this updated version of Sangharakshita’s classic book on the life and sayings of the great Indian teacher Anagarika Dharmapala, one of Sangharakshita’s choices for his ‘Great Buddhists of the Twentieth Century’ list? The perfect Dharma offering to mark the transition from our Triratna International Convention coverage to our week of happenings from the International Order Convention at ...