Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Training In A System of Buddhist Practice

By Candradasa on Wed, 1 Jun, 2016 - 18:34

Dhammamegha recently interviewed Dhammarati for the Triratna International Council about an emerging project around the system of training in Triratna. It goes by the name of Sikkha (with a long a), which is a Pali word meaning ‘spiritual training’. It is about deepening our understanding of what and how we practice and teach within the Triratna community, and developing an explicit shared framework to talk about it. 

Here, Dhammarati reflects on what is essential in Buddhist practice: a growth of awareness which leads to positive and rich emotion...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Dhammarati on Sikkha - a new project to review and develop training in the system of practice

By dhammamegha on Mon, 30 May, 2016 - 18:24

I recently interviewed Dhammarati about an emerging project about the system of training in Triratna. It goes by the name of Sikkha (with a long a), which is a Pali word meaning ‘spiritual training’. It is about deepening our understanding of what and how we practice and teach within the Triratna community, and developing an explicit shared framework to talk about it. 

Here, Dhammarati reflects on what is essential in Buddhist practice: a growth of awareness which leads to positive and rich emotion and a move away...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Dhammarati on Sabbatical, Solitary Retreat, and the International Council

By dhammamegha on Wed, 23 Mar, 2016 - 20:44

Dhammarati - in conversation here with Dhammamegha - is one of the most experienced members of the Triratna College of Public Preceptors having chaired it for over ten years. Here he talks about his long sabbatical after leaving that job - a rich, deep time that encompassed post-Impressionist galleries in New York and lengthy solitary retreats in California and in Wales.

We hear about his personal study and his practical exploration of the Triratna system of practice and...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Dhammarati on sabbatical, solitary and the International Council

By dhammamegha on Tue, 22 Mar, 2016 - 14:15

Dhammarati came back a few months ago from sabbatical and a three month solitary in North Wales.

In this interview he talks to Dhammamegha about being on retreat and shares his thoughts about the future of the International Council. From the beginning of 2016 he is convening the Council.

Triratna News
Triratna News

Birthday collection reaches £80,000

By Munisha on Fri, 14 Aug, 2015 - 09:01

Birthday collection reaches £80,000

By Munisha on Fri, 14 Aug, 2015 - 09:01

Congratulations! Today the worldwide collection for Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday passed the £80,000 mark, with 402 online donations from individuals and groups within Triratna. Help us reach our target: £100,000.

To give you more detail: the money will fund a 5-7-year project to publish Bhante’s Complete Works, including much material out of print or never published before, and in paper and digital, searchable, formats.

The editors, Kalyanaprabha and Vidyadevi, are already working on the early stages of the project, dividing his work into “baskets”....

Triratna News
Triratna News

Rejoicing in Dhammarati and introducing Saddhaloka

By Munisha on Wed, 1 Jul, 2015 - 16:07

Rejoicing in Dhammarati and introducing Saddhaloka

By Munisha on Wed, 1 Jul, 2015 - 16:07

The members of Triratna’s College of Public Preceptors come together twice a year at Adhisthana to practise, strengthen their kalyana mitrata (spiritual friendships) and discuss a range of issues affecting the Order and Movement.

Vidyatara works for the College. She writes:

“The College’s March meeting had a particular focus on transition, with Dhammarati stepping down as Chair of the College after a decade of service and handing on his responsibilities to Saddhaloka. This short film was made by Public Preceptor Moksananda, to capture this...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Who's new at Adhisthana?

By Munisha on Mon, 20 Apr, 2015 - 11:22

Who's new at Adhisthana?

By Munisha on Mon, 20 Apr, 2015 - 11:22

Saddhaloka, new Chair of Triratna’s College of Public Preceptors, moved to live at Adhisthana on 9th April, having taken over the post from Dhammarati at the latest College meeting, in March.

Saddhaloka writes: “After 20 years I packed my possessions and life at Padmaloka into a van and drove right across England to Adhisthana, and to a warm welcome from the community and the balmy spring weather. I have just about settled in to my new room, but no time yet to really settle...
