Tag: Development team

Triratna News
Triratna News

The young Buddhists: Triratna's secret

By Munisha on Thu, 17 Dec, 2015 - 18:55

The young Buddhists: Triratna's secret

By Munisha on Thu, 17 Dec, 2015 - 18:55

Presenting Triratna to the European Buddhist Union meeting in Berlin in September, I mentioned Triratna’s recent success in attracting more young people. With most sanghas ageing, people wanted to know our secret.

One answer is that we appointed a Young Buddhist co-ordinator to encourage young Buddhist activities and help other young Buddhists develop the confidence to lead.

Prajnaketu is the new, full-time Young Buddhist Co-ordinator appointed to the Development Team who work for Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly. He...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Who are the Development Team?

By Munisha on Tue, 15 Dec, 2015 - 23:58

Who are the Development Team?

By Munisha on Tue, 15 Dec, 2015 - 23:58

The Development Team are five Order members supported by Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly (ECA) to provide central services to Triratna in Europe – also enjoyed around the wider Triratna world. (Pictured, left to right: Munisha, Amalavajra, Nandavajra, Prajnaketu and Mokshini.)

We’re a warm, friendly virtual team, meeting on Skype or in person every few weeks to check in and organise our work.

Team Leader is Nandavajra, who lives in Devon, UK, and describes himself as “a grizzled but youthful Triratna veteran who...

Triratna News
Triratna News

NewsByte video: 8th Young Buddhist retreat, Adhisthana

By Munisha on Thu, 19 Nov, 2015 - 10:23

NewsByte video: 8th Young Buddhist retreat, Adhisthana

By Munisha on Thu, 19 Nov, 2015 - 10:23

Clear Vision reports from Triratna’s 8th Young Buddhist retreat in October at Adhisthana, UK. Young Order members, Friends and Mitras explain the importance of these events and rejoice in their friendships. They also say goodbye to Singhamati, stepping down as the European Chairs’ Assembly’s (ECA) part-time Young People’s Co-ordinator.

As she explains, it all began with the first weekend for young people, in 2008, at which some old people were also present, “trying to be young people”. (Yeah, thanks, Singhamati!) What...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Buddhist Action Month is nearly here. What are you planning?

By Munisha on Wed, 20 May, 2015 - 13:54

Buddhist Action Month is nearly here. What are you planning?

By Munisha on Wed, 20 May, 2015 - 13:54

It’s just one and a half weeks to June and Buddhist Action Month 2015. We know you’ve been planning lots of good things, but we need to know what they are! It’s time for you to tell everyone else what you’re doing, to spread inspiration and good ideas.

Left you can see Nandavajra with his detailed plan of action for Triratna BAM 2015 at a Development Team* meeting a few months ago. 

We supplied lots of resources on the ...

Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015

Who runs BAM?

By Munisha on Mon, 20 Apr, 2015 - 16:38

Who runs BAM?

By Munisha on Mon, 20 Apr, 2015 - 16:38

You do!

But, more helpfully…

BAM is an initiative of the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK (NBO), who have asked a small team of young Buddhists to provide central information online via the NBO website and a central BAM Facebook page. 

But the great thing about BAM is that it’s largely self-organising, and any Buddhist tradition can get involved, using whatever approach fits the emphases and ethos of that particular tradition.

Around Triratna Centres in the ...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

The Triratna Development Team is looking for a new team member.

By Nandavajra on Mon, 19 Jan, 2015 - 20:23
The Triratna Development Team is looking for a new team member.

We are looking for an Order member, to work for the European Chairs Assembly, who is inspired and enthusiastic about the movement and who wants to make a difference. You will be working to develop, manage and support initiatives and projects that give expression to the Chairs Assembly’s and Preceptors College’s vision and strategy for the movement. The role will also involve resourcing the work of Buddhist Centres...
