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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: A New Knowledge of Reality-Buddhism and Poetry

By Zac on Sun, 28 Aug, 2022 - 06:00

Maitreyabandhu draws out the deeper meaning and finer detail of five different poems, each around the theme of death with the final poem focusing on spiritual rebirth.

By discussing the background of the poems and poets, the intricacies of their structure, and bringing in a Buddhist interpretation of the themes raised in the poems, Maitreyabandhu shows us the importance and profundity of poetry and how it can help us to explore Dharmic themes more deeply.

This talk was...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Change Your Mind: Change Your Life

By Centre Team on Tue, 5 Apr, 2022 - 20:30

Change Your Mind: Change Your Life

By Centre Team on Tue, 5 Apr, 2022 - 20:30

It’s wonderful to explore the nature of mind together, along with Iain McGilchrist, Penny Sartori and Bernado Kastrup. But surely the main thing is to change your mind, to make a real contribution to your life and to the life of those around you. The world needs your courage, wisdom and compassion. 

A retreat is a set of conditions to help you get the best out of your mind. If you do that, your life will flourish and...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Taking Our Seat in the Cremation Ground

By Zac on Thu, 31 Mar, 2022 - 06:00

To plunge ourselves into the crucial citation takes tremendous courage. Sangharakshita asks:

Are we ready to face our own death, and the total transformation it symbolizes? From the talk The Symbolism of the Cremation Ground and the Celestial Maidens part of the series Creative Symbols of the Tantric Path to Enlightenment, 1971.


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