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Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Recruiting a web development apprentice at Virya Group

By RCheesley on Sun, 4 May, 2014 - 19:31
Full time apprenticeship opportunity based in Ipswich, Suffolk, UK

  • Design and develop a wide range of web applications
  • Contribute to Open Source projects to improve web technologies worldwide
  • Learn a range of coding languages including HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript and more
  • Work on a range of dana-based projects

Virya Group are a new Anglo-Dutch Joint Venture business led by CEO Ruth Cheesley (a GFR Mitra from Ipswich), which has evolved from the company Virya Technologies and...
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Virya Group Apprenticeship Information308.3 KB
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Metta Engine Boo

By Candradasa on Thu, 18 Apr, 2013 - 23:03
A quick visit to Wales in the UK to check in with Will & Graham of Metta Engine, a new web development Right Livelihood business in Newport. An inspiring interview from right at the start of an exciting new Triratna venture…!