Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

Safeguarding: not just children and "adults who may be at risk"

By Munisha on Fri, 30 Oct, 2020 - 12:36

Safeguarding: not just children and "adults who may be at risk"

By Munisha on Fri, 30 Oct, 2020 - 12:36

It’s a common misconception that Triratna charities only need to protect from harm children and those ‘adults who may be considered at risk’ (or ‘vulnerable adults’, a term no longer used).

However, everyone needs protection from harm. These days trustees are responsible for protecting all their beneficiaries from harm in the course of their charity’s activities. This is a clear requirement of the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Scottish Charity Regulator and the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission, to mention just three...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

By akasajoti on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 22:04

Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

By akasajoti on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 22:04

Dear Order members,

We are delighted to announce that Itir Binay from Melbourne, Australia was publicly ordained in Melbourne on Saturday 28th March, 2020.

Ex-Itir becomes Varadhī (last letter long i). Name meaning: She who has the highest wisdom. Westernised spelling: Varadhi

Public Preceptor: Maitripala
Private Preceptor: Chittaprabha

The ceremony was witnessed by over 100 members of our Sangha live on zoom. Here is the link of the recording which ends with a beautiful wave of sadhus around the world.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

With metta,


Triratna News
Triratna News

Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 21:57

Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 21:57

We are delighted to announce that Itir Binay from Melbourne, Australia was publicly ordained in Melbourne on Saturday 28th March, 2020.

Ex-Itir becomes Varadhī. Her name means ”She who has the highest wisdom”. (Westernised spelling: Varadhi). Her Public Preceptor is Maitripala and her Private Preceptor is Chittaprabha.

The ceremony was witnessed by over 100 members of the Melbourne Sangha live on Zoom. You can watch a recording of the ceremony here which ends with a beautiful wave of sadhus around the world.


College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

A forthcoming Public Ordination in Melbourne

By maitripala on Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 - 11:10

A forthcoming Public Ordination in Melbourne

By maitripala on Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 - 11:10

Dear Order Members,

I plan to conduct a Public Ordination for Itir Binay on Saturday 28th March at 6.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

The ceremony will take place at the Three Cords Buddhist community (named by Bhante Sangharakshita) in Melbourne, Australia.

Chittaprabha privately ordained Itir on Thursday 12th March in NSW Australia.

In this extraordinary situation the ceremony will be attended by two Order members from the community. A large number of invited sangha and Order Members will witness the ceremony on Zoom.

We hope to be able to record...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sakyadhita Conference: Gender Equity for Monastic and Lay Buddhist Women

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 17:33

Sakyadhita Conference: Gender Equity for Monastic and Lay Buddhist Women

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 17:33

Sakyadhita is a Buddhist women’s organisation founded in 1987. The 16th Sakyadhita conference took place near Sydney, Australia in June, with a number of women from the Triratna Buddhist Order in attendance: Kusalacitta from Sydney, as well as Tarahridaya and Karunadeepa from Pune in India. Dharmamodini was there to run a stall for Bodhi Books and Gifts.

Sakyadhita means ‘daughters of the Buddha’, and it aims to promote gender equity for monastic and lay women with a focus on education,...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Future Dharma Fund's First Published Annual Report

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 3 Apr, 2019 - 12:23

Future Dharma Fund's First Published Annual Report

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 3 Apr, 2019 - 12:23

FutureDharma Fund has published their first annual report detailing all the projects worldwide - from India, mainland Europe, Americas and into Australia and New Zealand - that they are making possible. FutureDharma Fund was established in 2016 to raise funds to help the Triratna Buddhist Community reach more and more people as we move into our next 50 years.

Last year some 500 people gave £274,000 to support 35 projects around the world - projects such as supporting a ...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Recent Ordinations

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 4 Mar, 2019 - 14:54

Recent Ordinations

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 4 Mar, 2019 - 14:54

We are pleased to announce the recent ordination celebrated at Adhisthana on Thursday 28th February 2019. Helen Rey from the Seattle Sangha becomes Prasadadhi (long second ‘a’ and long ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning ‘She whose Wisdom is clear, bright, pure.’ Punyamala was both Private and Public Preceptor. 🎉

Other recent ordinations from around the Triratna world include Joy Fratelle from Port Fairy who was publicly ordained at Melbourne Buddhist Centre on Saturday 23rd February 2019. Joy becomes Maitrībodhinī (sixth and last letter both long ī). Her name...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Young Buddhist Coordinator in Australia and New Zealand

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 15 Feb, 2019 - 10:49

Young Buddhist Coordinator in Australia and New Zealand

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 15 Feb, 2019 - 10:49

In order to build on the already vibrant Young Buddhist activities in Australia and New Zealand, Future Dharma are now supporting a Triratna Young Buddhist Coordinator for the entire Area for 2 days per week. Dhammakumāra, currently Triratna’s youngest Order member, moved from the UK to take up this role in August 2018.

Dhammakumāra is currently based in Sydney but travels to other centres in Australia and New Zealand quite often. Here he explains a bit about the role...

Triratna News
Triratna News

The Oceania 3 Chairs Meeting

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 24 Jan, 2019 - 15:40

The Oceania 3 Chairs Meeting

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 24 Jan, 2019 - 15:40

On Friday 30th November 2018, the Chairs of three of the four main Triratna Buddhist Centres in the South Pacific met in Sydney. European Chairs have long been very well networked via the European Chairs’ Assembly, but such gatherings are still under development in other parts of the world. In Australia/New Zealand, there has never been a Movement Strand (Order members running Triratna Centres) gathering and it is believed that this was the first ever meeting of Chairs across the whole of Oceania.

Dantacitta from Melbourne, Saradarshini from...
