Tag: Ariyapariyesana Sutta

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Longing For Liberation

By Centre Team on Sat, 20 Jan, 2024 - 11:00

In this talk, Vajratara takes us on a vivid journey starting with the Buddha’s exploration of what is the noble quest, moving into personal examples of the ignoble and noble quests in her own life. Vajratara invites us to look at our own motivation, our own noble quest, how to establish a culture of the noble quest in such a way that invites more people to join us on that journey, both through our own practice and...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: What is the Deathless?

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 4 Jun, 2020 - 14:00

Padmasagara explores the glimpses of the Buddha’s liberating vision found in the Ariyapariyesana sutta, focussing on the Buddha’s description of Reality in terms of pratitya samutpada (conditionality) and his response to Brahma Sahampati’s request to teach the Dhamma. The talk also explores how we can begin to realise this vision for ourselves by responding to the Buddha’s exhortation: ‘let those who have ears release their faith’.

From the talk The Buddha’s Liberating Vision given on the Great Gathering...