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The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Buddhism and Inequality: An Opportunity to Respond to Need in India

By kusaladevi on Wed, 8 Apr, 2020 - 11:30

For the home retreat, we have been reflecting on material from Vajragupta around Sailing the Worldly Winds. As Vajragupta said in one of his introductory talks, the worldly winds can blow both individually, within us, but also within society and the world. 

We have an opportunity when ‘Sailing the Worldly Winds’ to remember that they are not personal - they don’t only blow through us, but they blow all over the world and in some places and some cases they...


Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 9

By Abhayamaitri on Wed, 19 Aug, 2015 - 05:00

In this final talk from the Croydon series, Ratnachuda shares how Bhante’s teachings have influenced his life. Thank you to all the speakers of these rich and varied talks, given in celebration of Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday.

Yes, here it is one more time….! :-)



Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 8

By Abhayamaitri on Tue, 18 Aug, 2015 - 05:00

Today we hear from Suryagupta, in a lively and engaging talk about how she has been inspired by Sangharakshita.

Just 4 days to go…and less than £10,000 to raise.

Given already? Why not give a little more?! :-)

Donate now to give the gift of the Dharma.


Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 7

By Abhayamaitri on Mon, 17 Aug, 2015 - 05:00

Dayapakshini shares how Bhante’s teachings have influenced her life, together with quotes from his work, in particular the Bodhisattva Ideal. This talk was given as the first in the series to celebrate Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday at the Croydon Buddhist Centre.



Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 6

By Abhayamaitri on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 05:00

Today we hear from Dhammadinna about her long friendship with Sangharakshita, and the effect this has had on her life.

Just six days to go…



Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 5

By Abhayamaitri on Sat, 15 Aug, 2015 - 06:19

Manjuvajra talks about his personal friendship with Sangharakshita, and shares some of his memories of Bhante from their travels around the United States together in the 1990s. You can hear more from Manjuvajra at the forthcoming Order Event, in celebration of Bhante’s 90th birthday.



Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 4

By Abhayamaitri on Thu, 13 Aug, 2015 - 21:28

Today, from the Croydon series, we have a talk from Vandanajyoti. She entitles her talk ’ a personal taste of freedom’, and shares how studying Bhante’s work has helped her to make sense of her life. And despite not knowing him well, she says that Sangharakshita has changed her life more than anyone else.

Has Sangharakshita, either personally or through his teachings, changed your life?



Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 3

By Abhayamaitri on Wed, 12 Aug, 2015 - 23:30

Today, a wonderful talk from Karunamaya, as part of the Croydon series to celebrate Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday. Shraddhavajri and Vidyadharini, two Indian Order Members who recently attended the women’s 5 month Dharma Life course at Adhisthana, also share how Bhante has influenced their life.

Donate today to give the gift of the Dharma to all!


Sangharakshita, His Life and Work

By Abhayamaitri on Fri, 31 Jul, 2015 - 08:59

A fantastic series of talks have emerged from the Croydon Buddhist Centre, to celebrate Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday. Here is a link to a talk by Padmavajra, where he shares how Sangharakshita’s friendship and teachings have changed his life since the 1980s. Other speakers in the series include Vandanajyoti, Dhammadinna, Manjuvajra, and more.

Has Sangharakshita, either personally or through his teachings, changed your life? If so, donate today, to enable his teachings to benefit many others for decades to come.

The gift of...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Compassion in Action: Fundraising with the Karuna Trust

By sanghadhara on Sun, 10 Jun, 2012 - 22:30
Lucy’s Talk given in October 2011 after completing a six-week Karuna fundraising Appeal.