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Tag: 50 Years 50 Voices

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Podcast: Manjusvara - Part 2: Half My Life

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 - 17:47

“Buddhism gave me an understanding - or at least a suggestion that one could change.”

In this second in the two part series about Manjusvara we hear about the three things that fundamentally changed his life: a car accident, coming across the London Buddhist Centre and fundraising. 

From his time in the US through to the practice of writing as a means of transformation to his involvement in fundraising for Karuna, Manjusvara celebrates having spent...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Podcast: Manjusvara - Part 1: Twenty Years in the Western Buddhist Order

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 12 Jul, 2019 - 14:57

“Do not use Buddhism to protect yourself from life… use it to celebrate life”

Manjusvara - poet, musician, fundraiser - died while leading at retreat at Dhanakosa in 2011. Here he is, in 2007, giving a talk marking the twentieth anniversary of his ordination.

He explores the history of his engagement with the Triratna Buddhist Order (previously the Western Buddhist Centre), starting with his first encounter with the London Buddhist Centre and taking in many significant learnings along the way...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Danayutta - Depth Charges

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 18 Apr, 2019 - 14:15

“Someone said to me, on one’s ordination retreat, depth charges are planted - and you never know when they are going to go off…”

Danayutta was working as an investment banker in London when she first decided to go on a 10-day retreat with the London Buddhist Centre. This retreat changed the direction of her life - she realised that she wanted to commit to the Dharma life rather than pursuing her career, working on a busy trading floor.

Because probably by the time

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Ananda - Recollections of Bhante

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 15 Apr, 2019 - 12:22

“So my impression of Bhante was that he was a magician who had some secrets that I wanted to get…

Ananda was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order (then the Western Buddhist Order) on the 7th April 1968, which makes him the most long-standing member of our Order. 

In this full and frank conversation with Satyalila, Ananda speaks about his own spiritual journey in the Triratna Buddhist Order and his relationship with Bhante, Urgyen Sangharakshita, the founder of that Order.

From his first impressions of...

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

Celebrating Dhivati - whose legacy part-funded Fifty Years, Fifty Voices

By Satyalila on Mon, 18 Jun, 2018 - 14:56

Here, Sucimani talks with me about Dhivati, whose legacy part-funded The Fifty Years, Fifty Voices Project..  Although we don’t have any recordings of Dhivati herself (a reminder to us to record while we can!), we do have a celebration of her life written by Vijayasri and her family have helped us to put together her ‘Annals’. 

Dhivati’s Annals

In 1968 Dhivati was Joyce Mumford, living in Chessington, married to Ian and mother of Bill, Liz and Julia, taking them to Quaker Meeting each...

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

Some Glimpses Into The Vision And Sometimes Messy Unfolding Of The Triratna Buddhist Order on its 50th anniversary

By Satyalila on Fri, 18 May, 2018 - 13:04

This is a talk I gave on our Sangha Night in Bristol to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Order in April.  It puts the ‘Fifty Years, Fifty Voices’ project in context alongside the Sangharakshita Complete Works and includes a sneak preview of a number of ‘voices’ from the project, including Vessantara on Bhante in the early days, Buddhadasa on the Order & Arya Sangha, Vajratara on what she loves about the Order, , Manjusvara...