Order Dana in 2024

Help us be a force for good in the world! Other Ways to PayAbout Order Dana

Why is Order dana important?

If our Order is to have strength and unity and be a force for good in the world, the lifeblood of kalyana mitrata must flow smoothly between us. We in the International Order Office team help that flow by:

  • funding and supporting the two International Order Convenors (Aryajaya and Vajrapriya) to foster harmony throughout the Order
  • organising large Order gatherings, like the International Convention in Bodh Gaya in 2025
  • producing and distributing Shabda
  • circulating Order news via the Order Information Service
  • maintaining the Order register

as well as many other less visible functions. We also work to build and maintain online spaces for the Order – like this one! You can read more about the Order Office on our homepage, or in our most recent Annual Report.

How much should I give?

We recommend that Order Dana for everyone be set at £15/month or equivalent in your local currency*. This is our ‘request’ to the Order – however you’re welcome to give more if you’re so moved! (Many people already do.) And of course, if you need to give less, that’s fine: just get in touch and we’ll set something up. Any dana is welcome and appreciated.

* €18 / AU$30 / US$20 / NZ$30 / MX$300

How do I start paying, or change my amount?

There are various ways to pay. The best one for us, and probably for you too, is paying by monthly direct debit. To start or change a direct debit, see jump to that section. For other payment methods, see other ways to pay.

Giving by Direct Debit

We would ask you to pay by Direct Debit if you can: it makes it easier for us to stay in touch with you over your payment, and predict our income.

At the moment we can accept Direct Debit payments in British Pounds, Euros, Australian Dollars and New Zealand Dollars. Setting one up is easy, and takes about two minutes. We prefer monthly payments, but you can choose other payment frequencies, such as quarterly or yearly. If you live in the UK and pay taxes, please tell us that you’re eligible for Gift Aid

If you already have a Direct Debit with us but would like to change the amount, just write to us with the new amount you’d like to donate. And if you can’t pay in any of these currencies, or need to pay via another method, see other ways to pay

GiftAid for UK taxpayers

Add 25% to all of your donations, at no extra cost

Click here to tell us about Gift Aid

If you pay tax in the UK, simply copy the following text into an email, fill in the gaps and send it by email to triratnaorderdana@gmail.com:

I, [insert your legal name], of [insert your legal address], on [insert date],confirm that I would like the Triratna Trust to treat all donations that I make or have made in the current tax year, and until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations. I understand that my donations are eligible for the Gift Aid scheme only as long as I pay enough income tax and/or capital gains tax to cover the amount of tax that all charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim in each tax year.

Triratna Buddhist Order today

Other ways to pay

If you can’t pay by monthly direct debit, there are three alternatives:


You can use PayPal to make either regular or one-off payments. You can do this through your PayPal account, although you don’t need one: you can also use it to make a payment via credit or debit card. Visit our PayPal page to start paying in this way.

We pay high fees for this service, so if you want to pay regularly via a digital platform, please consider setting up a monthly direct debit instead.


Sending a cheque

You can also send a cheque in the post. Please make it out to the Triratna Trust, make clear that it is for your Order dana, and always include your Order name. Post to:

 Lokabandhu, Windmill Hill House, Windmill Hill Road, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8EG, UK

Paying by bank transfer from different countries

You could pay your Order dana for the year by a single bank transfer if you prefer. The yearly amounts we are requesting are: £180 / €220 / AU$360 / NZ$360 / US$240 / MX$3600

Payments in £ sterling

Co-Operative Bank, PO Box 250, Skelmersdale, WN8 6WT, UK
Account name: The Triratna Trust
Sort Code 08-92-99 Account No: 65124044
Please always provide your Order name as a reference.

Payments in Euros

Account holder: The Triratna Trust
IBAN: BE55 9670 1461 6044
Wise’s address: Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor, Brussels 1050, Belgium
Please always provide your Order name as a reference.

Payments in Australian Dollars

Account holder: The Triratna Trust
BSB code: 774001 
Account number: 205979854
Address: Wise  Australia  Pty Ltd 19-29 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Please always provide your Order name as a reference.

For payments in US dollars

Account holder: The Triratna Trust
ACH and Wire routing number: 026073150
Account number: 8310010145
Account type: Checking
Wise’s address: 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor New York NY 10010 United States
Please always provide your Order name as a reference.

Triratna Buddhist Order today
Triratna Buddhist Order today

Contact Us

If you have any issues connected to your current gift or giving new Order dana, please email orderoffice@triratnaorder.org.

You can also call Utpaladhī in the UK: +44 7732 193401

If you have a technical issue using this web page please let us know by emailing support@thebuddhistcentre.com and we’ll do our best to help.

Contact Us

If you have any issues connected to your current gift or giving new Order dana, please email orderoffice@triratnaorder.org.

You can also call Prashrabdhi in the U.K. or Rijupatha in the U.S.: UK: +44 7736 005 901 | US: +1 603 777 7098

If you have a technical issue using this web page please let us know by emailing support@thebuddhistcentre.com and we’ll do our best to help.


web design by dharmachakra

with thanks to Prashrabdhi and the rest of the order office team