Paying your Order dana by Direct Debit

Thank you for considering paying your Order dana in this way!

By starting a direct debit, you don’t need to worry about Order dana again, and you save the Order Office work. When the requested dana amount changes, we will ask you if we can adjust your payment. You can always refuse, or ask for a different amount at any time. At the moment we can take direct debit payments in Pounds Sterling, Euros, Australian Dollars and New Zealand Dollars.

At the moment we are asking for £15 per month (or equivalent). Of course we are happy if you would like to give more; some Order members do. (We’ve included a higher option for each currency below.) Likewise, if you can’t manage the requested amount but would like to give something, please don’t be put off – just write to us and we’ll arrange it. Lastly, we prefer monthly payments – but we’ve included some annual options too.

Direct Debits in Pounds Sterling

Direct Debits in Australian Dollars

Direct Debits in New Zealand Dollars

Our direct debits are handled by an agency called “GoCardless”; this name will appear on your bank statement, rather than ‘Triratna Trust. For any other queries, feel free to contact us here

Thank you!