Sadayasihi's picture

The Three Jewels meet the Climate Emergency

From Triratna News on Mon, 11 Feb, 2019 - 16:05

The Three Jewels meet the Climate Emergency

From Triratna News on Mon, 11 Feb, 2019 - 16:05

In December the Bristol Buddhist Centre hosted a practice morning on the theme ‘The Three Jewels Meet the Climate Emergency’. The event offered a space for the Sangha to come together to explore thoughts and feelings around the climate emergency, how Dharma practice helps with facing the reality of the situation, and what ‘taking action’ might look like in this context. This was followed by an action outside Barclays bank in the afternoon with meditation, leafletting and singing ‘climate carols.’


Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Owning Your Shadow

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 11 Feb, 2019 - 14:00

In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, is from a talk given by Vijayasri as a follow up to a showing of Sangharakshita’s video on Buddhism, world peace and nuclear war. In Owning Your Shadow Vijayasri explores the concepts of violence and non-violence as aspects of the power mode / love mode relationship, and looks at the Jungian concept of the shadow. We examine the idea that change is possible, but that growth and development requires personal...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Faith and Wisdom

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 9 Feb, 2019 - 14:00

This week’s FBA Podcast by Danadasa is entitled Faith and Wisdom. In this Buddhist path of transformation, how we relate to practice has a profound effect upon that which unfolds. How do we relate to the idea of path and goal? How do we relate to effort? How do we relate to not knowing? During this 4-week Sangha Night series, Danadasa will explore what is meant by a wise relationship to practice through the perspective...

Sadayasihi's picture

Working At Karuna: Kusaladevi's Story

From Community Highlights on Fri, 8 Feb, 2019 - 14:10

Working At Karuna: Kusaladevi's Story

From Community Highlights on Fri, 8 Feb, 2019 - 14:10

Karuna exists to end caste-based discrimination, poverty and inequality in India and Nepal. Kusaladevi writes about her experience working for Karuna: ”It’s hard to summarise my time working at Karuna. It was such a significant part of my life for around 8 years, coinciding with my ordination process and it feels hard to separate the two out. I feel so fortunate to have worked for a charity that combined my interest in International Development with the Dharma.

I never ever would have...

punyamala's picture

Forthcoming Ordination at Adhisthana

From Order Connection on Thu, 7 Feb, 2019 - 16:00

Forthcoming Ordination at Adhisthana

From Order Connection on Thu, 7 Feb, 2019 - 16:00

Helen Rey/Scarlett will have her private ordination during a short retreat at Tiratanaloka 22 - 28 February. Her Public Ordination will be at Adhisthana at 3.00pm on Thursday 28 February. All are welcome to attend.

Helen is English and was a member of the Sheffield sangha and did a substantial amount of her ordination training at Tiratanaloka before moving to the US in 2008. She now lives in Seattle.

‘An ever-widening circle…’

With metta,


Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: The Buddha and Trees

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 7 Feb, 2019 - 14:00

In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, ‘The Buddha and Trees’, Sinhadakini explores the significance of the Roseapple Tree in the story of the Buddha’s Enlightenment. She discusses trees in general in Buddhism and goes on to talk about the type of effort needed for Enlightenment.

From the talk The Buddha and the Roseapple Tree given on Buddha Day at Norwich Buddhist Centre.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

Dhammavijaya's picture

Residential and Non-Residential training for Young Men Requesting Ordination

Residential and Non-Residential training for Young Men Requesting Ordination

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Thu, 7 Feb, 2019 - 13:34

As well as the creative non-residential training for young men outlined in our last past, residential training is also available at retreat centres at  Bhaja and Bor Dharan. In these, young men have the opportunity to live in a residential spiritual community, and to support the retreat centre. These photos are from the Vidarbha and North Indian regions.

kuladharini's picture

Funeral and events marking the death of Vipassini

From Order Connection on Wed, 6 Feb, 2019 - 17:36

Funeral and events marking the death of Vipassini

From Order Connection on Wed, 6 Feb, 2019 - 17:36

Dear Friends in the Dharma,

Vipassini’s funeral and woodland burial takes place on Monday 11th February at 1.30pm in Scotland. This is an invitation only event due to the size of the venue which can only accommodate her family and closest friends.

The Sangha at Glasgow Buddhist Centre however, have organised three opportunities to mark the death of our beloved friend and fellow farer in the Dharma. You are all invited.

On Monday 11th February at 1.30pm, there will be a Puja in honour of Vipassini,...

lokabandhu's picture

Bhante's Seminars - now in 16 handsome volumes!

From European Chairs' Assembly on Wed, 6 Feb, 2019 - 13:03

Bhante's Seminars - now in 16 handsome volumes!

From European Chairs' Assembly on Wed, 6 Feb, 2019 - 13:03

If you’re interested in Sangharakshita’s seminars in book form for your Centre Library or community, , Lulu have a 20% off discount until midnight on 7/2/19, simply quote TWENTY19 at checkout…  You’ll find the seminars (and his Collected Lectures) by going to Lulu and searching for “sangharakshita seminars” or “sangharshita lectures”…
