Sadayasihi's picture

Mindfulness in Society: Vishvapani’s Talks and Debates

From Triratna News on Fri, 1 Feb, 2019 - 10:42

Mindfulness in Society: Vishvapani’s Talks and Debates

From Triratna News on Fri, 1 Feb, 2019 - 10:42

Mindfulness practices are spreading across western societies, prompting widespread interest as well as challenges from Buddhists and critics. Behind these discussions is the question: can mindfulness be a force for change in society, and if so, what are the risks for Buddhism and for society?

Vishvapani is very involved in these discussions in the UK. He teaches mindfulness in Cardiff, is the Wales Director of The Mindfulness Initiative (an advocacy group that promotes mindfulness to policy makers)...

Sadayasihi's picture

Tuesday Meditation: This Dewdrop World

From Online Meditators on Fri, 1 Feb, 2019 - 09:35

Tuesday Meditation: This Dewdrop World

From Online Meditators on Fri, 1 Feb, 2019 - 09:35

“This dewdrop world 
Is but a dewdrop world
And yet —”

- Kobayashi Issa

Our next series of online meditations will start on Tuesday 12th February at 4pm GMT /  5pm CET / 9.30pm IST / 11am EST / 8.00am PST for five weeks. We will be exploring the Four Mind-Turning reflections, which point to both the fleetingness of life and its preciousness, and remind us of the need to wholeheartedly turn our minds towards practising the Dharma.

Join us on Zoom here:

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Free Buddhist Audio

Learning to Do Good and the Practice of Generosity

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 1 Feb, 2019 - 00:00
Continuing the Birmingham’s exploration of the theme “Cease to do evil, learn to do good, purify the heart, this is the teachings of the Buddhas” (verse 183 of The Dhammapada) this short talk focuses in on learning to do good through generosity.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Learning to Do Good and the Practice of Generosity

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 1 Feb, 2019 - 00:00
Continuing the Birmingham’s exploration of the theme “Cease to do evil, learn to do good, purify the heart, this is the teachings of the Buddhas” (verse 183 of The Dhammapada) this short talk focuses in on learning to do good through generosity.
Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Spiritual Friends

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 31 Jan, 2019 - 11:00

In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, we hear an excerpt entitled Spiritual Friends. Sujiva explores friendship in general & Spiritual Friendship (Kalyana Mitrata) in particular, drawing upon his personal experience in this heart-felt talk.

The full talk, Facebook Friends, Real Friends, Spiritual Friends, was given at the Auckland Buddhist Centre as a part of a Dharma night series.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

Sadayasihi's picture

Aryanita becomes Chair of the Paris Buddhist Centre

From Triratna News on Tue, 29 Jan, 2019 - 17:25

Aryanita becomes Chair of the Paris Buddhist Centre

From Triratna News on Tue, 29 Jan, 2019 - 17:25

Ujumani from the Paris Buddhist Centre writes: “After 11 years, Vassika has handed on the chairmanship of the Paris Buddhist Centre to Aryanita. Many people gathered on Sunday 27th January at the Buddhist Centre to celebrate this change - people from Brussels, England, the Alps, Clermont-Ferrand, the Mediterranean coast and, of course, from Paris and its region - including friends of the Centre from long ago, some of whom had not been to the Centre for a long...

Sadayasihi's picture

Podcast - A Very Special Letter

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 29 Jan, 2019 - 15:19

I want to spend the rest of my life… supporting the Triratna Buddhist Order. I can’t imagine living in another way.

Ricardo Rico became a Mitra and asked for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order in Venezuela over 20 years ago. He recently has moved to Cuernavaca, Mexico.

In this podcast we hear a little bit about Ricardo’s life as a university lecturer and father of three children. He also speaks about life in Venezuela and the current political and...

saddhaloka's picture

Suspension, expulsion, and probation in Triratna

From Order Connection on Tue, 29 Jan, 2019 - 14:24

So far, in the first fifty years of our Order, there have been very few suspensions or expulsions, and most of those that have taken place have been relatively straightforward and uncontroversial. However with the recent suspension of a senior Order member it has become clear that we need greater clarity as to how these decisions are made.

In our ordination ceremony we formally take on the ten precepts, and the practice of these precepts plays a foundational...

Development Team's picture
Development Team

Trainer-facilitator, Wellbeing for Elders course (LBC, UK)

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Tue, 29 Jan, 2019 - 12:44

Trainer-facilitator, Wellbeing for Elders course (LBC, UK)

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Tue, 29 Jan, 2019 - 12:44

The Globe Community Project (a registered charity and group of LBC sangha members working in the local community) is looking for a trainer-facilitator to join our Wellbeing for Elders project in the Tower Hamlets area. Our six-week courses, developed by Vimokshini, bring isolated elderly people into deeper contact with each other and themselves. 

You will have strong experience of group facilitation, and may have qualifications and experience in therapeutic work, community work, and/or working with elderly or disabled people. Breathworks training...

Camille's picture

Méditation samedi matin

From Centre Bouddhiste Triratna d'Auvergne on Mon, 28 Jan, 2019 - 19:15

Méditation samedi matin

From Centre Bouddhiste Triratna d'Auvergne on Mon, 28 Jan, 2019 - 19:15

Pour mettre en pratique les méditations que l’on a apprise dans un cadre encourageant, Camille conduira une matinée de méditation au Centre samedi19 janvier  de 9h45 à 12h. Nous alternerons différentes pratiques, méditation assise, méditation marchée, “juste assis”, afin d’ouvrir une parenthèse de calme pour commencer le week-end en douceur. Matinée réservée à ceux qui ont suivi au moins le stage d’initiation.

La participation financière est libre pour cette pratique.

Au plaisir de vous retrouver,
