Sadayasihi's picture

Newsbyte: Inter-religious Climate Pilgrimage

From Triratna News on Thu, 27 Jun, 2019 - 12:57

Newsbyte: Inter-religious Climate Pilgrimage

From Triratna News on Thu, 27 Jun, 2019 - 12:57

“It’s a crucial practice if we want to look after the environment - we have to learn to appreciate it, just take it in, and love it, because what we love, none of us will destroy.” 

Gunaketu and other members of the Oslo Buddhist Centre recently took part in an inter-religious climate pilgrimage from Oslo to Hope Cathedral, an interfaith project, in Fredrikstad (south of Oslo). The purpose of this four day walk was to encourage dialogue between different faiths and to explore their engagement and...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Not to be Defined

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 27 Jun, 2019 - 14:00

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is entitled ‘Not to be Defined’ by Jnanavaca.

Excerpted from the talk Is A Guru Necessary? Jnanavaca revisits one of Sangharakshita’s classic talks from 1970 and gives his contemporary reflections on its abiding relevance.

This was given as part of the London Buddhist Centre Dharma Night Series, Bhante Classics, September 2012.

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The Gen-X 2019 Podcast

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Fri, 28 Jun, 2019 - 22:43

At the end of this podcast you’ll discover about six minutes of musical joy as we’re played out by the amazing marimba band from Great Vow Zen Monastery, hosts of the 2019 Generation-X Dharma Teachers conference near Portland, Oregon in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA

But before that… A terrific round-table conversation with some of the organizers and participants gathering to look at ethics and power dynamics in the life of Buddhist communities. Join Candradasa, Rebecca...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Thank God It's Empty! Falling In Love with a Burning World.

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 28 Jun, 2019 - 01:00
“Thank god it's empty! Falling in love with a burning world”. What memories stay with you year after year? Which breath do you wish you could take again? Whose smile is the most beautiful? What is this love that you talk about? Saraha returns to Birmingham to speak at Sangha Night, having taught the Dharma there previously for over a decade before moving to Ecodharma in Spain a few years ago. In this talk he speaks with his usual passion and inspiration, illuminating many questions for further reflection on what is of value in our lives.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Thank God It's Empty! Falling In Love with a Burning World.

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 28 Jun, 2019 - 00:00
“Thank god it's empty! Falling in love with a burning world”. What memories stay with you year after year? Which breath do you wish you could take again? Whose smile is the most beautiful? What is this love that you talk about? Saraha returns to Birmingham to speak at Sangha Night, having taught the Dharma there previously for over a decade before moving to Ecodharma in Spain a few years ago. In this talk he speaks with his usual passion and inspiration, illuminating many questions for further reflection on what is of value in our lives.
Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Not to be Defined

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 27 Jun, 2019 - 14:00

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is entitled ‘Not to be Defined’ by Jnanavaca.

Excerpted from the talk Is A Guru Necessary? Jnanavaca revisits one of Sangharakshita’s classic talks from 1970 and gives his contemporary reflections on its abiding relevance.

This was given as part of the London Buddhist Centre Dharma Night Series, Bhante Classics, September 2012.

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Sadayasihi's picture

Newsbyte: Inter-religious Climate Pilgrimage

From Triratna News on Thu, 27 Jun, 2019 - 12:57

Newsbyte: Inter-religious Climate Pilgrimage

From Triratna News on Thu, 27 Jun, 2019 - 12:57

“It’s a crucial practice if we want to look after the environment - we have to learn to appreciate it, just take it in, and love it, because what we love, none of us will destroy.” 

Gunaketu and other members of the Oslo Buddhist Centre recently took part in an inter-religious climate pilgrimage from Oslo to Hope Cathedral, an interfaith project, in Fredrikstad (south of Oslo). The purpose of this four day walk was to encourage dialogue between different faiths and to explore their engagement and...

Prajnanandi's picture

The transformative power of acceptance and love

From Triratna Women on Wed, 26 Jun, 2019 - 13:57

The transformative power of acceptance and love

From Triratna Women on Wed, 26 Jun, 2019 - 13:57

In this deeply inspiring conversation Shakyapada discusses her realisation that she is transgender with Vijayasri. They lead us through her life, focussing on her journey towards the Dharma. This has not been an easy path and Shakyapada shares both the difficulties and the good times as they explore the way that acceptance and love have helped her to grow.

This conversation took place at Croydon Buddhist Centre in April 2019 as part of our Saturday Sangha morning series.

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Children's Activities at the Triratna International Gathering 2019

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Wed, 26 Jun, 2019 - 12:28

Children's Activities at the Triratna International Gathering 2019

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Wed, 26 Jun, 2019 - 12:28

The 2019 Triratna International Gathering - 22 to 26 August at Adhisthana - is a feast of inspiration, stimulation and fun. All are welcome, including children!

Here’s a short film from the last International Gathering in 2017, focusing on the children’s activities, to give you a sense of the play, music and laughter involved. 

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