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Free Buddhist Audio

The Bhaddali Sutta

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 5 Jul, 2019 - 00:00
Saddharaja relates how Bhaddhali doesn’t want to do what the Buddha requests and gets a dressing down for his stubbornness. He also gets some interesting teachings about giving feedback to others.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Stories of Awakening - Enlightenment

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 5 Jul, 2019 - 00:00
Continuing the series at the Sub35s night, Ratnaghosha evokes the Buddha's Enlightenment. The Buddha was a human being who by his own efforts discovered the path towards Enlightenment and was able to communicate this path for others to follow. His life is full of stories that that are of relevance for those of us today who wish to follow the path towards Enlightenment.
vimalamati's picture

Order Metta - July 2019

From Order Connection on Thu, 4 Jul, 2019 - 18:00

Order Metta - July 2019

From Order Connection on Thu, 4 Jul, 2019 - 18:00

A Wave of Metta Around the Globe:
First Sunday of the month Order Metta 8 a.m. (local time)
Sunday 7th July 2019

‘If …you practise realising the good qualities of other people, there will come a feeling of great compassion for all sentient life. In this connection you will have vision and recollection of your parents, your close kinsmen, your intimate friends, and your hearts will be filled with inexpressible joy and gratitude.

Then there will

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Jagdish Kashyap

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 4 Jul, 2019 - 14:00

In today’s FBA Dharmabyte we meet Jagdish Kashyap, Sangharakshita’s first teacher, the Theravadin scholar/monk with whom he lived and studied Pali, logic and Buddhist philosophy at Benares. After higher ordination, on the advice of Jagdish Kashyap, Sangaharakshita moved to the Himalayan border town of Kalimpong, to work for the good of Buddhism.

Excerpted from the talk entitled Jagdish Kashyap by Vadanya at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre (15th...

Dharmacarini Megha's picture

Update on Ujuka's Health

From Order Connection on Thu, 4 Jul, 2019 - 09:56

Update on Ujuka's Health

From Order Connection on Thu, 4 Jul, 2019 - 09:56

Dear Order Members,

Dharmacharini Ujuka has asked us to let the Order know she is in palliative care at home with heart failure.

At present Ujuka is able to spend time with sangha and family and has periods of her usual warm friendliness, and bright, joyful mental states.

Recently she had an experience at night when alone, that seemed to bring her near to death and gave her even more confidence in the positive spiritual practice of dying. She well expresses the wholesome and skilful quantities...

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Free Buddhist Audio

From Spiritual Building to Spiritual Farming

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Thu, 4 Jul, 2019 - 00:00
A talk from the Buddha Day celebrations at Manchester Buddhist Centre on 19th May 2019. Amaradaya explores the idea of tathagatagarbha, the ever present possibility of Enlightenment, and having confidence in our own nature that naturally wants to grow in the direction of Enlightenment.
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Free Buddhist Audio

From Spiritual Building to Spiritual Farming

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Thu, 4 Jul, 2019 - 00:00
A talk from the Buddha Day celebrations at Manchester Buddhist Centre on 19th May 2019. Amaradaya explores the idea of tathagatagarbha, the ever present possibility of Enlightenment, and having confidence in our own nature that naturally wants to grow in the direction of Enlightenment.
Sadayasihi's picture

Windhorse Publications: Publishing Director

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 3 Jul, 2019 - 16:57

Windhorse Publications: Publishing Director

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 3 Jul, 2019 - 16:57

The Windhorse Publications Director makes a unique contribution to Triratna’s primary book publishing business. In this role you will help us to meet the challenges and thrive in this opportunity-rich Buddhist publishing world.

Windhorse Publications in Cambridge UK is looking for a Triratna Order member for the position of Publishing Director.  The Director has responsibility for the overall management and development of the business and takes a key role in commissioning new books. With other members of the team...

dhammamegha's picture

Thank You and Update on the Order Practice Survey

From Order Connection on Wed, 3 Jul, 2019 - 16:39

Thank You and Update on the Order Practice Survey

From Order Connection on Wed, 3 Jul, 2019 - 16:39

Thank you to many of you who have done the Order Practice questionnaire. So far 235 Order members have done the questionnaire online. We’ve also had quite lot of requests for printed copies. In my own chapter we’ve started using the prompts for reflection and I’ve heard of other chapters using them too. Personally I’ve found the conversations that have come out of that enriching and inspiring. It would be great to hear how it’s going if you’ve been using...

Sadayasihi's picture

Podcast - A Gathering of Hearts and Minds

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 - 17:52

“It’s more than the talks and the meditation and the puja - amazing as I’m sure they’ll all be - it’s also the gathering of hearts and minds, the chatting over cups of tea, the workshops…and just being together in that space.”

The 2019 Triratna International Gathering is fast approaching - it’s a wonderful opportunity for those in our community to come together to share their practice and inspiration and to develop friendships. But what’s it like to...
